The Force is Extremely Weak With This One

As expected, all social media outlets have exploded with Star Wars. Which is fine, I was expecting it but still. Dang. I haven't seen so many posts regarding something I don't care about since "The Dress". "But why?" You ask, astounded. "Star Wars defined a generation! It made me who I am today! Without Star Wars there is no reason to live!!!" To which I reply, "Meh." I know, I'm lame. I'm extremely lame. I get that. It was a running joke in college that every boyfriend I had was like "YOU NEED TO WATCH THEM" and I would be like "Ehhhhhh", and then we'd break up and we never did...Not that breaking up was correlated to my non Star Wars knowledge (I think?) And now I'm married and I still haven't seen them. Woo. I have to admit, for awhile it was fun to pull out the old "I've never seen Star Wars" when playing Never Have I Ever or some other stupid game, and seeing eve...