Birthday Weekend

Well, it’s Saturday, party people. For me and C, that means a big day of partying! That is, if your definition of “partying” includes slogging through final projects for his classes (C) and crocheting (me). DePaul is a strange school. C will be done next Tuesday with all his classes for this semester next week, which is cool. Gives us time to enjoy the holidays without having to worry about all the busywork that grad school entails.

Brag about C Minute: My mom was talking to me a couple days ago and she said, “How does it feel to have your husband almost done with a semester of grad school?!” and I realized I hadn’t actually thought about it. It’s a big deal! I’m just so glad that C values education and was willing to commit to the two extra years of schooling so we can make the big bucks! Hahahahahaha just kidding. But at least he’ll be way more apt to get a job and then I can quit my community college gig and fulfill my life dream of adopting another beta, naming him Steve Vail, and creating a fake Twitter account devoted to him that will consist mainly of quoting Steve Vail during BYU men’s volleyball games (because let’s face it, the best thing that ever happened to sports broadcasting is Steve Vail. AND ALSO IF YOU CARE: Steve Vail is out of the hospital! They’re hoping to just hit the rest of the cancer with chemo and radiation so they won’t have to do any more brain surgery.) 

*end of brag/Steve Vail health update*

What else have we been up to, you ask? Not much. We FINALLY got our shower/sink/dishwasher fixed, and so now we can live like humans! We’ve also started repurposing boxes of books as end tables to put pictures and other stuff on, so we look slightly classier than when we moved in. Decorating is such a racket. The other day I said to C, “Why even unpack this stuff? The brown boxes match the tan paint on the wall.” He didn’t even merit that with a response. 

We got the first snow of the winter last night and tomorrow and I’m not terribly excited. I’m a little annoyed because everyone is like “You’re going to have such a hard time with your first Chicago winter! You’re so unprepared!” and I’m like you know what? I’ve lived in UTAH for basically the last 20 years, the land of the greatest snow on Earth! Which is a fact, despite all those “Visit New Mexico” commercials showing people skiing happily down a picturesque mountain they’re airing these days. I freaking LIVED there in the armpit that is New Mexico. Believe me. No one visits for the “snow”. Anyway, I know the difference between wet and dry snow. I know not to be a tard when I’m driving in it. I know my car’s limitations. I know that the kind of coat to keep you warm in the winter you can’t buy from Aeropostale. I’m not an idiot. I hate that people are so patronizing about it. I get that I haven’t lived here before. But I’m also not moving here from Arizona or something. I’m okay. I promise. It will get colder and windier than Utah, that I am very well aware of. But geez. Give me a break. I’m not 12 anymore. Even though I look like it when I’m not wearing makeup. 

It’s also my birthday next week. I am unexcited because C has a final that night until like 9:30 and I have no desire to sit at my apartment alone all night. I get off work at 4:15 and with my commute, usually get home around 4:45 – 5. I’m debating whether or not to just go to Spectre or The Peanuts Movie alone and eat a whole bucket of popcorn (which, let’s face it, is not the first time I’ve done it so don’t look so repulsed…) Let’s debate.

Katelyn’s Movie Birthday Extravaganza

Pros: Popcorn.  Daniel Craig/Peanuts.

Cons: Being alone in a movie theater and possibly having to sit by a stranger that will either be extraordinarily fat or extraordinarily smelly.

Hmm.  I think the pros outweigh the cons for this one.

Awwwwwwww yeah.



  1. Katelyn, I miss you. It's only awkward going to a movie alone until the movie actually starts, then people forget that they never saw anyone come in and sit by you. I used to go to movies alone all the time. I fully support this! If I lived closer we would be going to Hunger Games. Because *tradition!* (said like Tevia in Fiddler on the Roof).

  2. Pros totally outweigh the cons here. As another idea, there are ways to watch the same movie with people in different places, like Skyping plus a movie that you each watch in real-time. So that's a thought if you'd like to share the evening with anyone.


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