
Just got back from Iron Man 3.


Pepper Freaking Potts. That's all I have to say. Go see it, guys. I'm still on the fence on whether I like it as much as Iron Man 1, but I did like it better than Iron Man 2. Plus, it's me and my best friend Natalie's tradition to go to Marvel movies the Saturday after they come out and stop at Pretzelmaker and get a cinnamon sugar pretzel and a fruit shake and sneak them into the theatre (yes, I am aware that I spell theatre the British way. Not a typo, I swear. It's just habit, and I don't know why. I'm not even slightly British...) Yes. Anyway. So we go  over to Pretzelmaker to get our pretzels, but they're closed. So depressing. So we had to get pretzels from concessions, which was twice as expensive and not even half as good. It was tragic, really.

But back to the original point of this post. Iron Man. He's my favorite Avenger purely because of his sense of humor and attitude. He's hilarious. Captain America is good too, but almost too good, you know what I'm saying? I do love Hawkeye, in fact, he is my favorite Avenger actually (I know some people don't count him as one, but Jeremy Renner deserves to be an Avenger...I mean Hawkeye does....I really enjoy Jeremy Renner, okay?) I love Mark Ruffalo's Hulk, he does such a great job. And Thor...he's got nice hair. Yep. I don't know. I'm not the biggest Hemsworth fan, as it were.

Have some Iron Man pictures!
I can't stop laughing and I don't know why. 

(note to self: think of good use of Irony that involves Iron Man...or Irony Man, if you will...)
This is kind of interesting. Not going to lie, the first thing I thought of was "She's the Man" when I read this. I need to get back into Shakespeare...the Andrew Garfield picture is for you, R!
"You people are all so petty...and tiny..."
And on a completely unrelated note, have a random Nick Miller picture, just because.

Here's the video that's from. It makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it. Especially Trollface...

