Dislikes Part 1

Today was relatively uneventful. Me and my best friend hung out. She's engaged too, but she usually only talks about it when I ask, which is very appreciative. She asked me to be her maid of honor as soon as she got engaged, so I've been figuring out what that means. As far as I can tell, she just wants me to keep her grounded. Haha. I guess I can be pretty good at that.

But I've never been a maid of honor before...or even been in a wedding party, for that matter. I generally try to avoid weddings, for reasons you can probably guess. (Read: I dislike them.)

What else do I dislike...Oh, what a list. I dislike:

  1. Stupid people
  2. Awkward couples (refer to #1).
  3. Justin Bieber (and any overblown pop star. Adam Levine is an exception.)
  4. People that lie to me and think I won't know
  5. Being patronized
  6. Guy Fiere
  7. People that smell weird
  8. People who use Facebook as their personal venting place. Guess what. Nobody cares. Get over yourself. (Please refer back to #1 if there are any questions).
  9. Bad musicians who think they are good (and their groupies. Refer to #2).
  10. Scary movies
  11. The fact that Yahoo bought tumblr. Aaahhhh. If they change anything, I will be extremely disappointed. Dang you, Yahoo.... (want to see my tumblr? All right, fine. Click here for awesomeness!)
That's all I can think of right now. I have a lot of dislikes. I have a lot of likes, too. Maybe one day you'll be able to read those too.

But here's some stuff from stuff I like!

What I want to do to all stupid people.

Turtle Face!

#1, my friends...

Haha, but JB can talk to girls...

And my personal favorite...

Another way me and Sheldon are similar...just kidding, guys.
