Family Dinner

...Which was full of engaged people.


My extended family is getting to the age that people are starting to get engaged. My two girl cousins my age are both engaged, and I was coerced into dinner with both of them tonight. They're both really nice, but it's just hard to sit there and listen to the merits of cream vs. ecru tablecloths, and it's killing me.


Oh well. I feel like talking to every engaged person is the same. They're all like "my life my life my life MY FIANCE MY FIANCE MY FIANCE my life MY FIANCE my life MY FIANCE." And then they're like "How are you doing?" and you're like "Well, you know. The same. Living with my roommates, doing the whole single life thing..." and they're like "Oh, that's so fun!" and I'm like "..." and they're like "MY FIANCE AND MY WEDDING". It's a vicious cycle. and of course it wasn't this bad. I tend to exaggerate. But my gosh. I am so bored of listening to people talk about weddings. I'm sure when I get engaged I'll be just like everybody else...hopefully not, right?

What else happened today...finished transcribing a football game. It took forever. But we won, woot! Take that, Colorado State! Back in 2004...


Lobster bisque!

Currently, my favorite Studio C sketch. It was better in person ("HIBISCUS BISQUE!!!") but this is pretty good.

Swipey swipey!

