Old Crosswords
Well, here's an obligatory update. Haven't been up to much this weekend, a lot of baseball to live-transcribe. Started another book, just a fluffy little best-seller to relax with after Les Mis. Guys. I got 24 likes on my status about finishing it. I'm pretty sure that's more than all my other statuses combined. I'm so legit.
But anyways, enough about me. Or is that even a problem, seeing as it's my blog? If you don't want to hear about me and my thoughts, I'm not sure as to why you'd even read this.
What else am I up to. Oh yes, crossword puzzles. One of my favorite pastimes. I do them when my other captioning buddy is taking her turn and I have nothing to do. I've gotten good enough to usually finish the Monday or Tuesday puzzles, but I can never can finish any later in the week. New York Times crosswords are hard, man. But I bought this "crossword-a-day" calendar at DI and it was only $3! (because it was from 2010...but whatever.) Best DI purchase ever. I freaking love that thing. Just rip one off the calendar and you've got something to do all day. But only take a Saturday/Sunday one if you're feeling brave, they're killer.
Well, that's enough randomness for one night...
But anyways, enough about me. Or is that even a problem, seeing as it's my blog? If you don't want to hear about me and my thoughts, I'm not sure as to why you'd even read this.
What else am I up to. Oh yes, crossword puzzles. One of my favorite pastimes. I do them when my other captioning buddy is taking her turn and I have nothing to do. I've gotten good enough to usually finish the Monday or Tuesday puzzles, but I can never can finish any later in the week. New York Times crosswords are hard, man. But I bought this "crossword-a-day" calendar at DI and it was only $3! (because it was from 2010...but whatever.) Best DI purchase ever. I freaking love that thing. Just rip one off the calendar and you've got something to do all day. But only take a Saturday/Sunday one if you're feeling brave, they're killer.
Well, that's enough randomness for one night...
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