Post Year One

It's funny how people are so into their anniversaries. I know coworkers that take the day off and don't even do anything. Like, what the heck? The same people do that for their birthdays too. I'm like, we're all adults here, right? Do we need to take our birthdays and anniversaries off work? Is that a thing? I'm not sure. I'd much rather be at work earning money that bumming around all day at my apartment while C rips up sod. I don't know. I'm a freak. I guess if C was home too and we went and did something fun that'd be different, maybe?

It's also weird that a bunch of people knew about it. I was like um, who told you? Did I, by mistake? I usually try to keep that stuff under wraps since nobody needs to know. It's me and C's holiday, people. Not the whole world's. Heck, half my family didn't even know. Holla for secret holidays! In fact, I was in college before I finally learned the exact day of my parent's anniversary, and I know I know it, but I can't remember it right now. My parents didn't really make big productions out of things like that. Us McDanels are secretive folk. 

Anyways, after that unexpected mini-rant, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good, spent most of it in the yard transporting sod and then going to the dump and throwing it on a compost pile. I feel buff and muscular. I'm also incredibly sunburned on the backs of my arms and legs, and that sucks. I'm currently at work rubbing after-sun lotion all over my legs because it's the only thing that helps. While I hate being dirty, I like feeling accomplished, and me and C (mostly C) got a lot done this week. We ripped out all the unneeded sod and planted some trees that should be really pretty. The blossoms should look like this next spring: 

Gorgeous, right? Kwanzan cherry, man. I'm so excited. If there's one thing I love, it's flowers. C got me some white lilies last week and they are so pretty! They're almost all blooming now and they look awesome.

In other news, I finished HD this week, and oh my gosh. Leave it to HD to end their series with a flash-mob singing and dancing number. In the hospital. After Zoey had her Alabama baby boy. After the whole town shows up to their hospital wedding.

Like, what? What just happened here? And while the last season was pretty meh for me, it was awesome to see Wade step into a responsible dad role and not be such a tool. Yay for adults finally taking adult responsibility! And the scene in the hospital, with the wedding? Oh my gosh. I was laughing so hard. I hope that was the point. And ugh. Can I just say how happy I was when George was finally like "Hey guess what Zoey, I don't like you and I never will!" I was like YESSS PRAISES I AM SO SICK OF YOU. And can I just say, I totally called the two main relationships at the end. Called it! Not that it was extremely difficult or anything... *cough* foreshadowing throughout the whole entire series *cough*

I also finished Rules of Civility, and started Prisoner of Light and Fog (which, fun fact, is allegedly the first in a series? Here we go again.) I'll give you more of my thoughts on those tomorrow.

HD for the road?

Accurate, since I currently have a doughnut in my possession and need to find a new show to watch, asap...
