Do you ever just have a day that ends and you're like "You know what? I would have been perfectly okay if this day had never happened." Yeah, had one of those last week. And as is practice among people that are adults when this happens, I'm trying to think of good things that have happened lately, as opposed to dwelling on the meh. Unfortunately, adult mode is not working well today, but we'll try our hardest.
Good Thing #1: C no longer has to pay an extra underage fee for renting cars! We can rent cars at the advertised price now. Yay...! (working on the excitement level here)
Good Thing #2: I remembered to grab a strawberry PopTart on my way out the door today.
Good Thing #3: We have cookies and cream ice cream sitting at home for me when I get back tonight. Also a few mini cheesecakes are left from C's birthday so I'll just eat one of those and be happy. Also, raspberries, the best fruit of all.
Good Thing #4: My allergies have calmed down a lot (thanks to meds.)
Good Thing #5: All my library books renewed but one! I need to read If I Stay tonight... I mean, it's a larger-print YA, so hopefully I can get through it tonight, yeah? I'm gearing up for Wednesday Books this week and I only have Prisoner of Light and Fog so far, so maybe I can get Stay finished so I can have a fuller post. And because, you know, reading is life.
Good Thing #1: C no longer has to pay an extra underage fee for renting cars! We can rent cars at the advertised price now. Yay...! (working on the excitement level here)
Good Thing #2: I remembered to grab a strawberry PopTart on my way out the door today.
Good Thing #3: We have cookies and cream ice cream sitting at home for me when I get back tonight. Also a few mini cheesecakes are left from C's birthday so I'll just eat one of those and be happy. Also, raspberries, the best fruit of all.
Good Thing #4: My allergies have calmed down a lot (thanks to meds.)
Good Thing #5: All my library books renewed but one! I need to read If I Stay tonight... I mean, it's a larger-print YA, so hopefully I can get through it tonight, yeah? I'm gearing up for Wednesday Books this week and I only have Prisoner of Light and Fog so far, so maybe I can get Stay finished so I can have a fuller post. And because, you know, reading is life.
Hey, what do you know? Memes make things better.
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