Get Your Kicks on I-80
Or don't, because it's one of the most boring roads in the world (at least, the part of it we drove.) It runs from Utah up a thousand mountains to Wyoming, and then slowly meanders through Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois. It wouldn't be such a bad drive if I had a DVD player and access to every single episode of Castle ever made, but we survived the trip using my iPod and The Morning Zoo podcast. Thank goodness for Frankie, DB, & Jess or I never would have made it. Ready to go! Also, who decided to give us the snake truck? Sheez. My plants also made the journey in the truck with us. They seemed to enjoy it better than we did. Cacti love road trips, right? It only lost a few of its succulent little leaves, and it does that sometimes anyway. I can't figure out why :( Wyoming is meh. The only good part of Wyoming is Jackson and the Grand Teton National Park. Sadly, we did not go through Jackson or the Tetons, so it was very meh. Grey, rainy, and meh (And yes...