Wednesday Books - Starbird Murphy

I'm not going to beat around the bush guys - I'm stressed a lot of the time these days. Figuring out how to move across the country will do that to a person. But what's my guaranteed stress-reliever? Say it with me - BOOKS! READING! WORDS! Thank goodness for books.

This week, I'm currently in the middle of Starbird Murphy and the World Outside by Karen Finneyfrock. 

pic courtesy of Goodreads
I've been in the middle of a Kimmy Schmidt kick lately, and this book is definitely on that track. It follows Starbird, a teenage girl growing up in a share-everything type church/commune in Washington. In their religion, they believe that everyone receives a "Calling", which is what they can do to help their little community. It is decided that Starbird's calling is to help be a waitress in the restaurant their group owns, which takes her away from her friends, her family, her crush, and everything she knows. 

I'm only about halfway through, but I'm excited for this story to just take off. I want to see how well she adjusts to modern life. Right where I'm reading they're giving her a makeover and a haircut, and she's becoming a little more open to to life in the "world outside". So far, the main conflict will probably be finding out who her father is (there's a couple prospects there), and then obviously a romantic interest (also a few prospects there), and then just adjusting to modern life. Shouldn't be groundbreaking literature, but it should be fun.

