
Well, I thought I would blog a lot more this week. The other secretary hasn't come in all week so I've been pulling double duty... well, kind of, I still have to stay under 28 hours >:( But besides that, I thought it'd be super boring, and for the most part it has, I just have had boring things to do that take up all my time. Between students being upset about having to pay tuition (side note: did you know that if you go to college you have to pay for it? WHATTTT???) and being upset because they didn't pay said tuition and all their classes dropped, it has been such a busy week of faking "I'm so sorry that happened to you... (not)" that I haven't had a ton of blogging time. Besides that, most of my spare time has been devoted to creating a massive spreadsheet about where C is going to apply for graduate school. But I like doing that, because it gets me excited for our future, one where we don't live in a crappy apartment in a college town, but one where C can have an actual successful career doing something he loves. Plus, I can't wait until we live in a house (as opposed to an apartment). Ugh. I'm so sick of apartment living, I cannot even tell you. Although our property managers came over last night and asked what they could fix and I gave them a massive list of things to do, so our apartment will be new and improved soon (no more non-functional garbage disposal!)

In other news, I tried crocheting a snowflake and it didn't suck! It looks a little misshapen, like it got ran over by a bike or something, but it doesn't look half bad! I'm thinking of giving it to my mom as a Christmas present, since she's into that sentimental stuff and she's the reason I learned in the first place. Plus, she won't care what it looks like! She'll just like that I made something! Win-win!

Due to my snowflake attempts, I haven't been working on my cross stitching lately. Because I have to follow along step-by-step with the how-to video, my Gilmore Girls watching has slowed to a crawl. Plus, 'tis the season, so I've been watching a lot more Hallmark/ABC Family tacky Christmas movies. Sometimes if C can tell I've not had a great day or I'm sick of torturing my hands with snowflakes, he'll put on an episode and let me watch it on his laptop, since his nice new one doesn't suck like my five-year-old one does. I can't believe it was only five years ago that I was a freshman. Crazy stuff.

Guess what? It's been six months since THIS happened:

Well, actually this is from my bridals, but I really really REALLY like this picture because it brings out my eyes, which I love. But anyways. Six months from yesterday I married this guy:

And I'm not going to pretend marriage is easy.  Marriage is freaking hard. I mean, it's an enjoyable hard, because you're trying to build a life with someone that you chose to be with and that you love, but it's hard because they're just so different from you. Like... more different than you ever thought possible. I'll have to devote a whole post to that someday. Someday I'm feeling deep and profound, haha. That day is not today.


