New Year's Eve

It's that time again! Time to write the best blog post of the whole year. You should go back and read last year's if you haven't, it was a lot of fun to write, and this one was too. Without further ado, your theme music:

Or you can pick this one, also awesome:

Here we go!

This year, January was mostly spent going to the first weeks of my last classes for my undergraduate, the most difficult being anatomy. I put together the puzzle from heck with my family (paint buckets. Who makes a puzzle of PAINT BUCKETS). Me and C continued to date, and even to talk marriage. Meanwhile in the singles ward, our church changed locations and since we had to stop meeting in the building with an elevator, we took one final culminating picture to stick with the bunches of others we took in that thing.

The Olympics started, and me and roommates had a good laugh about how woefully unprepared Sochi was. I continued to almost pass out in Anatomy lab, but finally started to get ahold of myself in time to learn all about the brain, stuff I still remember to this day. I got really sick, and after C taking me to the doctor, S and M turned on the first episode of Gilmore Girls for me and an obsession was born. C, after convincing me he wasn't going to be in town on Valentine's Day, showed up with a daisy and a grin on his face and took me to dinner at Terra Mia. And then THIS happened the next day: 

Wedding planning began in earnest. I kept going to school, determined that being engaged would not tank my GPA. I continued watching GG in earnest with my roommates. I finally got my actual engagement ring from C (the one in the video is a Walmart special.) I live-captioned like crazy and lived through C being gone on band trips (twice) and got a bunch of ugly T-shirts back as gifts, as well as a teddy bear wearing a little Chicago t-shirt that has become very near and dear to my heart. 

My final undergraduate semester was wrapping up, and wedding stuff was happening fast. Got my dress in to the tailor's, shoes picked out, sister dresses picked, flowers chosen, cupcakes sampled, and five thousand other things. After years of hard work, I graduated! Suck it, O-Chem! 

I had to quit my job since I wasn't a student anymore, and so I started to spend that time addressing envelopes, writing thank-yous, attending bridal showers, and all sorts of other wedding stuff. We got our engagements back and enjoyed looking at those. I scanned every picture of C I could find. Basically, C worked and I did wedding stuff. Me and the roommate said a tearful goodbye to Gilmore Girls. 

All the planning and worrying came down to this! I had a wonderful, beautiful wedding day. After that, we started trying to make our little apartment in Provo more of a home. C went back to work, and I continued to look for a job. 

We went thank-you note crazy! We celebrated the Fourth of July at Stadium of Fire with Carrie Underwood, went to some baseball games, and took a fun trip to pick up N from her first year at BYU-Idaho.  

I finally got a job! I started work as an administration assistant and starting making money again. Me and C started to get the apartment in better order, and enjoyed the end of the summer together. My family started trying to sell their house in earnest, and finally got a buyer. 

I met about half the members of Real Salt Lake at Meet the Team Day, which was awesome. C started his final undergraduate year in earnest, as well as his final marching band season. I attended football games with my grandpa while he went as part of the band. I got better at my job (although there's not much to get better at) and started to befriend my coworkers. 

I got into watching Castle, Arrow, and Gilmore Girls even more than I already was. Friends got engaged and asked me to be matron of honor. We tried to make some friends in the ward by participating in the "secret treat plate", which was awful. But hey, we did it. I sure hope those neighbors appreciated those pumpkin muffins.

My birthday came around and C put up a big photo wall for me. I went and saw Mockingjay with S, N came home for a Thanksgiving visit, much Just Dance was played, and much cake was consumed. I love funfetti cake, guys. You all know this. I also started to expand my culinary horizons and cook new things from different cookbooks. 

Me and C enjoyed our first Christmas season together. He got through his finals with all A's and B's, and took a trip to Miami for a bowl game. I spent time at my parent's new house with N and Grandma Montana. After recovering from the world's worst cold that decided to make an appearance on Christmas Day, I've pretty much been in bed ever since, which is where I'm writing this. But I'm on the mend, I promise, pretty much back to normal.

Happy New Year! 

