Post-Birthday Update

One year older (and wiser too?) Who knows. According to the eye doctor (Mom bought me new contacts for my birthday!!!) I look 18, so that's cool. I actually don't mind looking young, it throws people off and makes me laugh. So yeah, new contacts! I love them! Being able to see is great, people. And one more year and I'm eligible for LASIK, which has been my dream ever since I first got glasses.

Other stuff going on...Mockingjay was actually really good and really intense. If you've read the book, you know some... unexpected things happen and it gets intense fast. Plus, we snuck in cookies and cream popcorn to the theatre, best choice ever. (And yes, I do spell theatre the Olde English way...)

C put up a photo wall for my present - it's was so cute! I'll have to put up a picture soon, but he hung up all these pictures and it's adorable. I got a new purse which I desperately needed, so excited to use it. Also got a new work cardigan, everyone knows those are my favorite things to wear ever. Yay cardigans! Now all I need is a keyboard that works (the spacebar on the one at work sucks) and I'll be good.

What else... C's concert went well. Me and Grandpa waved frantically at him to embarrass him and it was fun. I have pictures on my iPod, I'll put those up soon, not that you can see who he is or anything. It was kind of a bummer this year, since there was no colorguard-inflicted injuries on the audience to speak of. Last year, a girl totally chucked her rifle into the audience and hit somebody on the first row, that was good. Plus, a flag twirler girl on the balcony dropped her flag on somebody, that was good too. Unfortunately this year they learned from their mistakes and didn't seat anybody in the first three rows, which was smart, but also kind of a bummer. I wanted to see some more flag fails! They're hilarious and completely inevitable. Just ask R. We're the founders of the "make fun of the flag-waving people" club.

In other news, work is incredibly boring. I'm currently perusing Mental Floss and listening to my coworkers argue about whether it's the "Lollipop Guild" or the "Lollipop Kids" in the Wizard of Oz. Yeah. That's what we've resorted to for entertainment. And it sucks because being the secretary means you have to sit there and look pretty and pretend you care about what you're doing while everyone else wanders around and chats with each other about Wizard of Oz lyrics. Ugh. And another unexpected side effect of no class this week? No paper delivery. So I have no crossword. I swear. I'm going to die of boredom in this, my office prison. I really need to go to the library and find a dang book or something. Even a textbook would be better than this. Maybe I'll bring my anatomy book tomorrow and gross people out with the cadaver pictures. What I really need are speakers for the computer so I can listen to Christmas music next week. Maybe I can find some cheap ones somewhere. One can only hope.

I feel boring. This job is taking away my personality, I can just see it in this post. Ugh.

Phteven for the road?

