Mockingjay Day

Well, as far as my birthday week is concerned (GG reference) it's been okay. Haven't done much.
Went to a basketball game to humor C on Wednesday, saw P get a school award yesterday, and tonight S is taking me to see Mockingjay. I'm cautiously excited. I really hated the book so in theory, the movie can't go anywhere but up, right? Ugh. I hope so. 

In "K is an idiot" news, this morning I dropped the plug for my half-working blow dryer on my foot. It stung a little but I just figured I was being a wimp, so I put on my toast socks and moccasin-esque shoes and went to work. The stinging just got worse and worse, so at work I took my sock off and lo and behold, I was bleeding to death. Well not to death, but enough to merit a Band Aid. Thank goodness for my travel-size first aid kit I keep in my backpack, even though it's totally knock-off. It saved my favorite pair of socks!
Aren't they awesome??? My favorite pair of socks, by far.
So that happened. Adding to my annoyance is this stupid office keyboard with this dumb space bar that only works if you hit it really hard, so I sound like I'm typing some incredibly mad email to someone. Sweeeeeeet.

Also, I saw this online and I want it.

Isn't is awesome???
In other news, my #SaveSelfie tweets aren't going so well. I'm not getting the retweets I once did. Whatever, man. It seems like a lost cause. I'm all caught up on Arrow, haven't finished my Thanksgiving bunting, and haven't gotten a haircut yet, even though I desperately need one. Oh well. That's my mood right now, an underwhelming "meh". At this point, the best thing that's happened today was finding my toast socks. And I got a paper, so I have a crossword puzzle now. Yay! Thinking puzzles! I'm out of Tootsie Rolls though, so that's a bummer. 

Sorry for this boring post... Thanksgiving-themed Gilmore Girls, anyone? 

What are you thankful for, Luke? 

