
I love thunderstorms, guys. Actually more accurate, I like rain (not so much the thunder and the lightening.) I've really been enjoying the last little bit of rain showers and storms. Me and C went to the Payson Temple open house again yesterday afternoon and the temple looked amazing against all the storm clouds. Again people, GO. I can't tell you enough.

Yeah, yeah, the afore-mentioned trip post... I'm at work right now, camera-less, so all my picture are inaccessible. Not to mention my post about the trip is about eight times the size of a regular post. I need to get it edited and sounding better before I post it. It's a lot of random ramblings right now that I wrote at different airports or on planes when I was bored/terrified, and you can tell.

In other news, Neon Trees' new single is fantastic.

It's most definitely a break-up song, but it's still awesome and deserves a listen. My other favorite group, Maroon 5, is releasing a single on Friday called "This Summer", so I'm excited for that. AND Nate Reuss (frontman for Fun) performed on Fallon last night and I still haven't watched that yet! So many things, so little time. Anna Kendrick was also on Fallon last night, and because she is one of my favorite people in the world I'm excited to see it. Between her and Aubrey Plaza my Twitter feed is constantly entertaining. 

Stay posted, people. Trip pics are on the way, maybe, hopefully? 

