Cinco de Mayo

It's Cinco de Mayo! I'm not sure exactly what it celebrates but it celebrates something Spanish, which is awesome! Always looking for a reason to say something in Spanish. Sometimes when I'm bored or feeling lackluster about something, I'll listen to my Spanish workout station on Pandora, mainly because the songs have a lot of energy and I like to see if I can figure out what they're talking about. I know, I need new hobbies. But hey, when something like this hits the radio and you can't get it out of your head, you look up the original Spanish version and figure it out.

Also, girls randomly dancing with soccer balls? Seems legit. R. Learn how to do that. The end.

Other songs in Spanish I enjoy are "Limbo" by Daddy Yankee (avoid the music video on this one) and Danza Kuduro by Don Omar (yeah, also avoid any music video on this one. I haven't seen it, but it looks slightly scandalous from the screenshot.)

The other foreign songs I especially enjoy are usually Indian. This song is from a fantastic movie called Bride and Prejudice, and if you haven't seen it go slap yourself in the face and then watch it. It is fantastic. 

The other day I was randomly reminded of this song, which one of my French-speaking roommates introduced to me a couple of years ago and I loved it the first time I heard it, even if it is in French, which I've never super enjoyed. Also, the old guy? Come on. Everybody loves a dancing old guy. 

These are pretty mainstream as far as foreign songs go, they were just the ones I had in my head as of late. I have whole Pandora stations devoted to this stuff.

And don't worry, a post about our trip is forthcoming. I have to get on the camera and get some pictures, which I could do but I did five million things today so... be patient, it'll come...eventually? Hopefully? 

