I'm (not) Groot

Well, today is graduation day for the university I work for, so I had to make sure I got to work super early to get a parking spot, and now I'm sitting here counting down the hours until I get to leave. (.5 hours down, 4.5 hours to go...) Although once I go home, that's not a ton better either. Since C works so much going home consists of me picking something to clean, cleaning it while concurrently watching Gilmore Girls or While You Were Sleeping, completing the cleaning process, and deciding to cook something. Yesterday was a crock pot special, not sure what I'll make today. I also attempted making chocolate chip cookies and they ended up okay. I guess C liked them so that's good. I've been a bit wary of cookies ever since my famous oatmeal chocolate chips went to total crap that one time. I've been building my confidence up slowly in that regard.

Haha, in other news, just saw the president of the university walking around in full academic graduation regalia holding a bunch of balloons. Haha, what the heck? I love it. You go, Pres.

ALSO, NEON TREES IS RELEASING A NEW ALBUM ON 5/4!!! You heard it here first, folks!!! Well, if you follow them on any sort of media outlet than you would already know that, but hey! Neon Trees!!! This has put me in the Neon Trees mood again. Here's the song that's stuck in my head, which is a poor example of Neon Trees since they didn't even write it, but whatever.

In nature news, the snails of Provo have decided that our front door is their gathering place. We probably have four or five snails within a one-foot perimeter of our front door. We have to be careful walking up that we don't squish the poor things. And when I was leaving for work today, I saw another one headed for our apartment, so we'll see what's going on when I get back. But why? Why us? Why are we the snail whisperers? I mean, I had a snail in my fish tank when I was younger that I named "Fast Eddie" and took care of for a couple years, but I didn't know that would draw all snails in the immediate vicinity to my front door. I should draw pictures on their shells so I can see if these are the same ones moving around or if I keep getting new ones. I'm a snail-ologist!

Now that it's spring and things are growing, have this random clip of everyone's favorite tree!

Yes, I know Avengers 2 just came out. And I promise I'll see it eventually, hopefully soon. Budgetary restrictions and all that. But I actually really enjoyed Guardians, especially the random dance battle. Chris Pratt. You are fantastic. Between Guardians and Parks and Rec, he has become one of my favorite actors.

Also, did you know they're making a Guardians 2? True story. I'm just full of all sorts of news today. Granted, it's not coming out until 2017, but hey. I'm cool. I've been waiting for Age of Ultron for a couple years, I can wait for this too. Actually, I haven't been waiting for Age of Ultron as much as I've been waiting for a Marvel movie that includes Hawkeye as a major character and doesn't make him a mindless drone. Come on, people. Give the people (me) what they want (Jeremy Renner shooting a double recurve bow). Thanks. 

