The Big 200!!!
You should all feel honored. Yes, you. I don't care if you're wearing sweats sitting on your couch eating stale Cheetos! You are reading my 200th post! And believe me, it's as much an honor to write as it is to read, I'm sure.
I was going to do a super special 200th post, with balloons and a cake and a party, but since it's a Thursday night in Norridge, the best you'll get is leftover Valentine's cake and a night of Leverage watching.
And, in honor of the 200th post, I decided to answer 75 random questions I found on the Internet! Remember these? They were huge on FB circa 2009 and everyone would write their answers in "Notes" and then tag their friends? Well lucky for you I've looked up a nice dorky list of those and so you get to read it. And if you make it to the end, you're a true McBricker.
1. What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
Google Maps. I'm awful with directions. Also Chicago was designed by someone who was probably high.
2. If you had one wish what would it be?
Costa Vida in Norridge. Oh and also that I didn't live in Norridge anymore. And that I drove a car that wasn't 22 years old. And that I could buy out American Eagle/Old Navy/J. Crew/Target. And that I was back in UTAH partying with my squad.
3. What does the word "success" mean to you?
Looking like an adult.
4. What would your dream job be?
Somewhere where no one talks to me and asks me to do stupid things for them. So basically a reclusive blog writer that also successfully raises beta fish.
5. Why do kids put rings in their eyebrows and nose?
Because having tattoos isn't ratchet enough these days.
6. What do you respect about your mother?
That she's able to care about so many people so much and make every single one of us feel special. And that she throws such dang good parties. She always has the good snacks.
7. What do you respect about your father?
That he makes every new person he meets feel like his new best friend.
8. What sport do you like most to play?
Ah, a sportsball question. One that I have an actual answer to! Soccer all the way.
9. What sport do you most like to watch?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BYU men's volleyball. Go look up the roster. I dare you. or Shane Long. Google it. Really though, RSL will always remind me of me and C's first date :)
10. What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?
The whole "hot pink and red look good together" argument that's sweeping the nation after the Grammy's this week. I'm sorry. No.
11. Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
Like, in school? My choir director Patrick was my favorite teacher in college. High school was probably Mrs. Busath, my biology teacher. She was from Boston and she was awesome. Junior high was Miss Gutke because she taught me how to sew, and elementary school was probably Mrs. Pine. First grade all the way!
12. What nickname do your friends call you?
I have no nicknames. One time someone called me Katie and I death stared them down. I used to dream my sports nickname would be Mac so sometimes C calls me that but I don't have a nickname and that's the way I like it, dangit.
13. What do you know how to say in a foreign language?
I know a liiiiiiiiitle spanish. Lo siento.
14. What are the qualities that make a good friend?
They have to care about you as much as you care about them. They have to be willing to hear you out on bad days, and you have to be willing to do the same for them. It also helps if they're funny, or are better at doing your hair than you are.
15. What's the best costume you have worn?
I'm sure it was something my mom put me in. I had a few cowgirl years that were pretty good.
16. If you could break one law with impunity what would it be?
Jailing all stupid people.
17. What slang word or phrase is most overused?
Bae. Lolz. Hubby. YOLO. Cray.
18. What music do you hate?
19. What was the last sporting event you went to?
A RSL game before we moved out here. Before that... probably one of R or P's soccer games.
20. What is your warmest birthday memory?
Like...literally warmest? One time we were on a Thanksgiving family reunion in Imperial Beach and my birthday happened while we were there. That was pretty awesome. OR the time I was on that cruise and spent my birthday in Puerto Vallarta.
21. Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?
Family. And Anna Kendrick.
22. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Three little sisters that I adore and three little SILs I also adore. Also one BIL. I somewhat adore him. JK! I adore him too.
23. Do you ever want to change your name? If so, to what?
This will sound stupid but I honestly I wish I could change back to my maiden name. I'm pretty sure I'll never answer to my married name. #sorrynotsorry? C understands.
24. Why were you given your name?
Because my parents liked it.
25. What song do you always sing along with?
So many! ALWAYS Bang Bang. All Megan Trainor. I asked C this song and he said "every freaking song ever". I'm sure he meant that as a compliment.
26. What goals do you have for your education?
I'd love to get a Master's, but I did achieve my goal of a Bachelor's. But I'm never going to stop learning new things in my spare time. It's like Gordon B. Hinckley used to say, "A truly educated (wo)man never ceases to learn."
27. If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
Kitten Bowl 24/7. Just kidding. I would alternate Big Bang, Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls, Pitch Perfect, Castle, Worst Cooks in America, Master Chef, and She's the Man nonstop. So kind of like a better ABC Family/ABC/Food Network combo. That also played random music videos instead of commercials.
28. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
Oh gosh. One time at a family potluck "dinner" I didn't eat anything that wasn't a prewrapped cookie. Does that count? I mean, I didn't actually eat anything, so maybe not? The worst thing I've ever physically eaten is... I defer to C. He's eaten rat meat before.
29. What was the first thing you learned to cook?
It was either my dad's pancakes or waffles. Maybe spaghetti? Cooked on my own was the waffles, I believe.
30. Where is the farthest you have travelled from here?
Here meaning Norridge? Mexico.
31. What is your favorite dessert?
Tough one!!! I love funfetti cake with peppermint ice cream. Or brownies. Or reeeeeeally good cookies. Like Thin Mints (when do those go on sale? I feel like soon, but I never see any Girl Scouts around...)
32. What was the first concert you went to see?
That wasn't Stadium of Fire? Neon Trees!
33. Do you believe in life on other planets?
34. Who do you try to impress?
My bosses, sometimes. #initiative
35. Who taught you to cook?
Mom. Grandma. And Alton Brown.
36. What did you do to get pocket money as a child?
We didn't get allowance, so... nothing? I don't know. I saved my birthday money like crazy.
37. If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show what would you talk about?
My ideal 10 minutes on a TV show would be me trying to teach Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Jimmy Fallon, and Gordon Ramsey how to crochet. Just picture it.
38. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning. It's good to get up and get things done.
39. How old is "old"?
Idk. 40?
40. Do you believe God has a sense of humor? Why?
Obviously. Google "potoo bird" and then tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor. (You googled it, didn't you. I told you it was funny!) Also, he stuck me and C together. We're textbook comedic relief.
41. What was the last book you read?
The Help.
42. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
It would start with... seeing P score a goal in a soccer game, going on one of our classic grocery store runs with C, Costa Vida for dinner, and movie theatre popcorn and a good movie to end.
43. Which one of your friends lives the furthest away?
All of you Utah people!
44. What do you like to cook?
I like baking more than cooking. I like making cookies and treats for people. Cooking... would have to be chicken pot pie. Lots of work but it's totally worth it. Or homemade pizza. Just tried that last weekend and it was awesome!
45. What was the best vacation you ever went on?
Probably with my family to the Grand Tetons or Oregon Coast. You all know I'm a sucker for Oregon. I love those beaches!
46. What fitness goals do you have?
Start running eventually...? Do a workout sometime...?
47. What movie can you watch over and over again?
She's the Man... Pitch Perfect... There's a third one I love but I can't think of the name! Aaaahhh!!!
48. What is the funniest gift you have given?
Probably a Grumpy Cat cross stitch to R.
49. What do you think about when there is nothing you have to think about?
Why isn't there a High School Musical Christmas special?
50. What is your favorite thing about summer?
Don't have to defrost the windshield!
51. If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?
Um... I already have an adult job, and we eat pretty healthily... I should probably stop rolling my eyes at people.
52. What song makes you want to dance?
Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO will never not make me dance.
53. If you could have a conversation with someone from history who would it be?
Darwin or Dickens. One of the Charles'. Or Gordon B. Hinckley. I wish I could have met him in person.
54. What is the funniest thing you have ever heard a child say?
Last week P told me she was going to name her next pet Darth Humphrey and I died laughing. I can't explain it.
55. If you could live in any other country for two years where would you go?
Since I only speak English, probably England. With C, probably the Czech Republic. He loves it there.
56. What do you miss from your childhood?
Not having to have a job.
57. What do you have that is of great value to you but no value to anyone else?
Probably my letter collection from my friends/family. Or BabyFish.
58. What would be the very first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Pay off my student loans #lame then go to dinner. We don't go out to eat much.
59. If you could be a professional athlete which sport would you play?
C says he thinks I'd be really good at roller derbies. Sure, why not. Either that or I'd join the Pistol Shrimps.
60. When is the last time you were lost?
Last month when they were doing road construction and my regular way to work was blocked :(
61. What slang word or phrase do you love to use?
Either janky or ratchet.
62. What makes you feel old?
That P will be in junior high this fall.
63. What would you buy from a thrift store?
64. Who do you admire as a leader?
Ron Swanson.
65. What music are you embarrassed that you like to listen to?
The occasional showtune, I suppose...?
66. When have you seen Karma at work in your life?
One time there was this girl that made fun of me all the time, and now she's super fat. (Too mean?)
67. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about?
I've thought about this a lot. I want to make people smile, and maybe think a little deeper about something. But mainly, to smile. I love making people laugh.
68. If you could have lunch with anyone living, who would it be?
My mom. Or Kathryn Stockett.
69. If you were a police officer for one day what would you do with the authority?
Pull over every sucker that runs a red on my commute.
70. When was the last time you really laughed?
Like until I cried? Saturday watching Crazy Stupid Love (edited, of course, thank you VidAngel)
71. What meal is your mom's best?
Ohhhhh gosh. She makes great cornflake chicken. Or pork ribs.
72. Who are your man crushes? (question from C)
Um, C of course. Besides him, Joseph Gordon Leavitt, at the moment. I go through different man stages.
73. If you could change one thing in society what would you change?
I wish people would work harder, overall (me included.)
74. Favorite childhood movie?
Aladdin, and then Parent Trap. Start a line, I'll finish it. I dare you.
75. Where will this blog be after the next 200 posts?
I'm not sure. I'd love to get more of a presence but at the same time if I ever do a sponsored post I might just punch myself in the face.
There you go! You're a true McBricker! Got any other random questions for me? Comment section is below.
I was going to do a super special 200th post, with balloons and a cake and a party, but since it's a Thursday night in Norridge, the best you'll get is leftover Valentine's cake and a night of Leverage watching.
And, in honor of the 200th post, I decided to answer 75 random questions I found on the Internet! Remember these? They were huge on FB circa 2009 and everyone would write their answers in "Notes" and then tag their friends? Well lucky for you I've looked up a nice dorky list of those and so you get to read it. And if you make it to the end, you're a true McBricker.
1. What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
Google Maps. I'm awful with directions. Also Chicago was designed by someone who was probably high.
2. If you had one wish what would it be?
Costa Vida in Norridge. Oh and also that I didn't live in Norridge anymore. And that I drove a car that wasn't 22 years old. And that I could buy out American Eagle/Old Navy/J. Crew/Target. And that I was back in UTAH partying with my squad.
3. What does the word "success" mean to you?
Looking like an adult.
4. What would your dream job be?
Somewhere where no one talks to me and asks me to do stupid things for them. So basically a reclusive blog writer that also successfully raises beta fish.
5. Why do kids put rings in their eyebrows and nose?
Because having tattoos isn't ratchet enough these days.
6. What do you respect about your mother?
That she's able to care about so many people so much and make every single one of us feel special. And that she throws such dang good parties. She always has the good snacks.
7. What do you respect about your father?
That he makes every new person he meets feel like his new best friend.
8. What sport do you like most to play?
Ah, a sportsball question. One that I have an actual answer to! Soccer all the way.
9. What sport do you most like to watch?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BYU men's volleyball. Go look up the roster. I dare you. or Shane Long. Google it. Really though, RSL will always remind me of me and C's first date :)
10. What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?
The whole "hot pink and red look good together" argument that's sweeping the nation after the Grammy's this week. I'm sorry. No.
11. Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
Like, in school? My choir director Patrick was my favorite teacher in college. High school was probably Mrs. Busath, my biology teacher. She was from Boston and she was awesome. Junior high was Miss Gutke because she taught me how to sew, and elementary school was probably Mrs. Pine. First grade all the way!
12. What nickname do your friends call you?
I have no nicknames. One time someone called me Katie and I death stared them down. I used to dream my sports nickname would be Mac so sometimes C calls me that but I don't have a nickname and that's the way I like it, dangit.
13. What do you know how to say in a foreign language?
I know a liiiiiiiiitle spanish. Lo siento.
14. What are the qualities that make a good friend?
They have to care about you as much as you care about them. They have to be willing to hear you out on bad days, and you have to be willing to do the same for them. It also helps if they're funny, or are better at doing your hair than you are.
15. What's the best costume you have worn?
I'm sure it was something my mom put me in. I had a few cowgirl years that were pretty good.
16. If you could break one law with impunity what would it be?
Jailing all stupid people.
17. What slang word or phrase is most overused?
Bae. Lolz. Hubby. YOLO. Cray.
18. What music do you hate?
19. What was the last sporting event you went to?
A RSL game before we moved out here. Before that... probably one of R or P's soccer games.
20. What is your warmest birthday memory?
Like...literally warmest? One time we were on a Thanksgiving family reunion in Imperial Beach and my birthday happened while we were there. That was pretty awesome. OR the time I was on that cruise and spent my birthday in Puerto Vallarta.
21. Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?
Family. And Anna Kendrick.
22. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Three little sisters that I adore and three little SILs I also adore. Also one BIL. I somewhat adore him. JK! I adore him too.
23. Do you ever want to change your name? If so, to what?
This will sound stupid but I honestly I wish I could change back to my maiden name. I'm pretty sure I'll never answer to my married name. #sorrynotsorry? C understands.
24. Why were you given your name?
Because my parents liked it.
25. What song do you always sing along with?
So many! ALWAYS Bang Bang. All Megan Trainor. I asked C this song and he said "every freaking song ever". I'm sure he meant that as a compliment.
26. What goals do you have for your education?
I'd love to get a Master's, but I did achieve my goal of a Bachelor's. But I'm never going to stop learning new things in my spare time. It's like Gordon B. Hinckley used to say, "A truly educated (wo)man never ceases to learn."
27. If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
Kitten Bowl 24/7. Just kidding. I would alternate Big Bang, Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls, Pitch Perfect, Castle, Worst Cooks in America, Master Chef, and She's the Man nonstop. So kind of like a better ABC Family/ABC/Food Network combo. That also played random music videos instead of commercials.
28. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
Oh gosh. One time at a family potluck "dinner" I didn't eat anything that wasn't a prewrapped cookie. Does that count? I mean, I didn't actually eat anything, so maybe not? The worst thing I've ever physically eaten is... I defer to C. He's eaten rat meat before.
29. What was the first thing you learned to cook?
It was either my dad's pancakes or waffles. Maybe spaghetti? Cooked on my own was the waffles, I believe.
30. Where is the farthest you have travelled from here?
Here meaning Norridge? Mexico.
31. What is your favorite dessert?
Tough one!!! I love funfetti cake with peppermint ice cream. Or brownies. Or reeeeeeally good cookies. Like Thin Mints (when do those go on sale? I feel like soon, but I never see any Girl Scouts around...)
32. What was the first concert you went to see?
That wasn't Stadium of Fire? Neon Trees!
33. Do you believe in life on other planets?
34. Who do you try to impress?
My bosses, sometimes. #initiative
35. Who taught you to cook?
Mom. Grandma. And Alton Brown.
36. What did you do to get pocket money as a child?
We didn't get allowance, so... nothing? I don't know. I saved my birthday money like crazy.
37. If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show what would you talk about?
My ideal 10 minutes on a TV show would be me trying to teach Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Jimmy Fallon, and Gordon Ramsey how to crochet. Just picture it.
38. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning. It's good to get up and get things done.
39. How old is "old"?
Idk. 40?
40. Do you believe God has a sense of humor? Why?
Obviously. Google "potoo bird" and then tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor. (You googled it, didn't you. I told you it was funny!) Also, he stuck me and C together. We're textbook comedic relief.
41. What was the last book you read?
The Help.
42. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
It would start with... seeing P score a goal in a soccer game, going on one of our classic grocery store runs with C, Costa Vida for dinner, and movie theatre popcorn and a good movie to end.
43. Which one of your friends lives the furthest away?
All of you Utah people!
44. What do you like to cook?
I like baking more than cooking. I like making cookies and treats for people. Cooking... would have to be chicken pot pie. Lots of work but it's totally worth it. Or homemade pizza. Just tried that last weekend and it was awesome!
45. What was the best vacation you ever went on?
Probably with my family to the Grand Tetons or Oregon Coast. You all know I'm a sucker for Oregon. I love those beaches!
46. What fitness goals do you have?
Start running eventually...? Do a workout sometime...?
47. What movie can you watch over and over again?
She's the Man... Pitch Perfect... There's a third one I love but I can't think of the name! Aaaahhh!!!
48. What is the funniest gift you have given?
Probably a Grumpy Cat cross stitch to R.
49. What do you think about when there is nothing you have to think about?
Why isn't there a High School Musical Christmas special?
50. What is your favorite thing about summer?
Don't have to defrost the windshield!
51. If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?
Um... I already have an adult job, and we eat pretty healthily... I should probably stop rolling my eyes at people.
52. What song makes you want to dance?
Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO will never not make me dance.
53. If you could have a conversation with someone from history who would it be?
Darwin or Dickens. One of the Charles'. Or Gordon B. Hinckley. I wish I could have met him in person.
54. What is the funniest thing you have ever heard a child say?
Last week P told me she was going to name her next pet Darth Humphrey and I died laughing. I can't explain it.
55. If you could live in any other country for two years where would you go?
Since I only speak English, probably England. With C, probably the Czech Republic. He loves it there.
56. What do you miss from your childhood?
Not having to have a job.
57. What do you have that is of great value to you but no value to anyone else?
Probably my letter collection from my friends/family. Or BabyFish.
58. What would be the very first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Pay off my student loans #lame then go to dinner. We don't go out to eat much.
59. If you could be a professional athlete which sport would you play?
C says he thinks I'd be really good at roller derbies. Sure, why not. Either that or I'd join the Pistol Shrimps.
60. When is the last time you were lost?
Last month when they were doing road construction and my regular way to work was blocked :(
61. What slang word or phrase do you love to use?
Either janky or ratchet.
62. What makes you feel old?
That P will be in junior high this fall.
63. What would you buy from a thrift store?
64. Who do you admire as a leader?
Ron Swanson.
65. What music are you embarrassed that you like to listen to?
The occasional showtune, I suppose...?
66. When have you seen Karma at work in your life?
One time there was this girl that made fun of me all the time, and now she's super fat. (Too mean?)
67. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about?
I've thought about this a lot. I want to make people smile, and maybe think a little deeper about something. But mainly, to smile. I love making people laugh.
68. If you could have lunch with anyone living, who would it be?
My mom. Or Kathryn Stockett.
69. If you were a police officer for one day what would you do with the authority?
Pull over every sucker that runs a red on my commute.
70. When was the last time you really laughed?
Like until I cried? Saturday watching Crazy Stupid Love (edited, of course, thank you VidAngel)
71. What meal is your mom's best?
Ohhhhh gosh. She makes great cornflake chicken. Or pork ribs.
72. Who are your man crushes? (question from C)
Um, C of course. Besides him, Joseph Gordon Leavitt, at the moment. I go through different man stages.
73. If you could change one thing in society what would you change?
I wish people would work harder, overall (me included.)
74. Favorite childhood movie?
Aladdin, and then Parent Trap. Start a line, I'll finish it. I dare you.
75. Where will this blog be after the next 200 posts?
I'm not sure. I'd love to get more of a presence but at the same time if I ever do a sponsored post I might just punch myself in the face.
There you go! You're a true McBricker! Got any other random questions for me? Comment section is below.
This is amazing. I'm stealing it, since I didn't do a post yesterday :P
ReplyDeleteLate comment, but I love that you did that. It was so fun to read your responses!