Nameless Baby Fish

So baby fish is still nameless. Nothing feels right. I know, it's just a fish. But fish have a right to names that fit them, right? The closest we've gotten to a name that fits is Benny Goodman, because his music was pretty awesome. And also because of this song:

I just discovered Saint Motel and I really like their sound. (If you're looking for another good one check out My Type.)

So anyway, one time I was listening to this song and Baby Fish was getting all excited, like he does whenever he sees anything or anyone walks by or whatever, and I thought hey - Benny. It kind of works.  But, one day he'll be a big adult fish and then will Benny fit? I don't know. It's like the parents that name their kids cute little pet names when they're little, and then they grow up and have to introduce themselves as Timmy or Scooter. No bueno.

GILMORE GIRLS REBOOT IS OFFICIAL!!! I can't even contain my excitement. And I've only known about GG for like three years! I can't even imagine how much more excited I'd be if I'd been watching them as they came out regularly. Aw man. And *unpopular opinion alert*, I actually don't really care that Melissa McCarthy wasn't invited back. To be honest, Sookie was never really my favorite. I just got anxious watching her start fires and break things in the kitchen. Although, without Sookie and Jackson getting together, we would have never gotten the beauty that was Nick Offerman:

So yeah, I'm definitely more sad about Edward Hermann not being here to reprise his role as Richard than I am about no Sookie. I'm actually kind of happy, to be honest. I'm mean. I get it. As long as Rory and Lorelei and Emily come back, I'll be fine. And Kirk. And Nick Offerman.

Anyway. I was watching Parks and Rec last night, can you tell?

And I'm about *this* close to buying a Duke Silver t-shirt on clearance on the NBC store, so... that's happening.

The sun was actually out when I drove to work today so that was great. It's so hard to go day after day without ever seeing the sun. I mean, I can look out windows, but it's just not the same. Especially since in the afternoon I don't really get windows :(

I am loving El Nino. I know everyone out in Utah hates me for saying that but I don't care. It's made my first Chicago winter, while crappy, not as crappy as it could have been. I mean, we hit like 45 degrees last Saturday. It was amazing. I didn't even wear a coat! Granted we're supposed to go back to winter temperatures this week but I think as long as I can last through February I can survive!

Here's hoping, anyway.



  1. Ok. I cannot believe I had never browsed the NBC Parks & Rec store before! Where has this been all my life?!? I want all the things!! Also, congrats on the new fishy. All I can think of when you say Benny though is Benny and the Jets... Don't know why, but it's totally stuck in my head now!


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