
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Force is Extremely Weak With This One

As expected, all social media outlets have exploded with Star Wars. Which is fine, I was expecting it but still. Dang. I haven't seen so many posts regarding something I don't care about since "The Dress". "But why?" You ask, astounded. "Star Wars defined a generation! It made me who I am today! Without Star Wars there is no reason to live!!!" To which I reply, "Meh." I know, I'm lame. I'm extremely lame. I get that. It was a running joke in college that every boyfriend I had was like "YOU NEED TO WATCH THEM" and I would be like "Ehhhhhh", and then we'd break up and we never did...Not that breaking up was correlated to my non Star Wars knowledge (I think?)  And now I'm married and I still haven't seen them. Woo.  I have to admit, for awhile it was fun to pull out the old "I've never seen Star Wars" when playing Never Have I Ever or some other stupid game, and seeing eve...

Baby, It's Semi-Warm Outside

Man, my Utah friends got hit hard with snow this week. I thought that's what would happen in Chicago but turns out, we've had like 40-55 degree weather this week and I've been wearing skirts without tights. It's been pretty amazing. I figure the weather will suck out here soon enough but I'm loving this weather at the moment. I mean, most of the grass in Chicago is still green. I don't understand it. But it's beautiful. In other news, I have come up with a name for all my blog readers - McBrickers. Yay/nay? To all my McBrickers in school, good luck with finals week! We sent little care packages to all our siblings in college, so that was fun. I hope they all got them by now :S Who knows. Mail can suck sometimes. I ordered something for my dad for Christmas awhile ago from Target but it's not here yet :(  Another point to the negative column - Pandora decided that "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" is suddenly a Christmas Classic. Um ...

We Need a Little Chocolate, Right This Very Minute

All I can say about today is thank goodness for the chocolate fairies that dumped a bunch of Lindt truffles and Hershey's Kisses on my desk this morning. It's just one of those days. This is going to be an entirely random post about entirely random things and you're going to like it, dangit. The chocolate fairies are real! Also note my CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN!!! In other news, trying to get our Christmas card to work has been driving me crazy. I like the idea of designing my own and not paying extra for whatever Walmart comes up with but geez. Free software only gets you so far. It's so frustrating having good ideas and being unable to see them come to fruition because you don't have the tools. Whatever. I'll just send you all an e-Christmas card and you can all ooh and aah over my pathetic design skills. Hahaha *cries* Well, the apartment is looking somewhat festive. Our two trees are up, our Nativity is set up, and I'm in the process (or, I will be thi...

Play that Christmas Music, White Boy

Now that my birthday and Thanksgiving are over, you can all listen to Christmas music. And if you were listening to it before then, well, I am disappointed in you. Unlike the title of this blog, C does not like Christmas music as much as the next guy. Let me rephrase - C doesn't like Christmas as much as the next guy. But unfortunately for him he married a Christmas addict with no hope of recovery. >:) Which means haul out the holly, because it's DECORATING TIME! Well, if we had holly I'd pull it out. All we have is a small box of decorations and two Christmas trees. We are still perplexed as to where the other tree came from. Neither of us can come up with anything. We'll just take it as a Christmas miracle and roll with it. *Dwight raises roadkill goose into the air* So my birthday was fun. My coworker got me one of those Mylar balloons that never dies, so I promptly taped it to my computer so everyone would awkwardly ask if it was my birthday. Yay! C ended...