Well, it's been another wacko week, people. Got really sick last week around Wednesday and have been trying to recover from that. C was a nice boy and went and got me some pebble ice, Sprite, and Saltines, so I have on a diet of approximately five Saltines and half a cup of icy Sprite a day. Well, I was. I'm all better now. But man, how many times have we gotten sick this year already? If you count the whole Christmas fiasco, I've been sick... twice and C has been sick twice too. The crap? Whoever's throwing pathogens at us, please desist. In other, happier news, P's play is this weekend! I'm excited to go see her do whatever she's doing, she plays like five thousand parts so whatever. I also have no idea how I'm supposed to find her onstage because I feel like everyone there will look the same and I won't have her cute little red hair to find her (I guess it'll be hidden under hats and headbands and crap). I mean, I practically made all ...