
Showing posts from March, 2015


Well, it's been another wacko week, people. Got really sick last week around Wednesday and have been trying to recover from that. C was a nice boy and went and got me some pebble ice, Sprite, and Saltines, so I have on a diet of approximately five Saltines and half a cup of icy Sprite a day. Well, I was. I'm all better now. But man, how many times have we gotten sick this year already? If you count the whole Christmas fiasco, I've been sick... twice and C has been sick twice too. The crap? Whoever's throwing pathogens at us, please desist. In other, happier news, P's play is this weekend! I'm excited to go see her do whatever she's doing, she plays like five thousand parts so whatever. I also have no idea how I'm supposed to find her onstage because I feel like everyone there will look the same and I won't have her cute little red hair to find her (I guess it'll be hidden under hats and headbands and crap). I mean, I practically made all ...

K's Guide to the NCAA

Today, let's play a word association game. I'll say a word, and then what me and C think of when we hear that word. Ready? Word of the Day: Seed Me: C:  That's right, March "madness" is upon us, (and by "madness" I mean the utter annoyance that such a month of useless sports-playing exists.) The fact that this country glorifies and worships collegiate athletes sickens me. I was in some classes with some of these "student" athletes, and let me tell you, they are spoon-fed everything they have to know. Spoon-fed! Utterly spoon-fed! I was in anatomy with a girl who was an athlete and she had a private anatomy tutor, paid for by the university, that she met with twice a week. She hardly ever set foot in a lab! And of course she did better than me, because duh. What's the chances I could beat her when I'm stuck learning in a 200:1 ratio in lecture and 15:1 ratio in lab while she gets everything 1:1?! Absolutely none. Ridicul...

Go Ospreys

Have this gif C sent me. Make sure you watch the "Go Ospreys" sign in the background: Click here for the video, you won't be disappointed. What else is going on... C's neck is almost completely back to normal after it's weird pain attack, so that's good. If I ever have to visit an ER again it will be too soon. Still waiting on the bill as well, so that should be fun to receive. Speaking of fun to receive, guess who got into graduate school??? C did!!! (Cue spazzy dance from above.) Of the four we've applied for, he's gotten into two and hasn't heard from the other two yet. It's a relief to know that even if every other school says heck no, we still have somewhere to go! Now the debate is choosing between Chicago and West Chester, Pennsylvania. I am scared - no, terrified - to move out of state to somewhere where we have no family. But my parents did it twice, so I figure I can do it too. I'm just stressed about the apartment ...

Bye, Bernard

Well, Bernard has moved on to the great aquarium in the sky. Crazy to think that Bernard knew me longer than C does. I freaking love that fish. March 2012 - March 2015 A lot of people have asked if I'm going to get a new fish. I would, but since me and C are most likely moving this fall, I think I'll just wait and get a new one wherever we end up living. But it makes me sad every time I look at the table and he's not on it anymore :(  I remember the day I brought Bernard home. It was a Thursday, and I'd just had my Evolutionary Biology lab on sexual dimorphism (why male and female animals display different colors/feathers/fur etc.) In this lab, we put betas next to each other and saw what would create the biggest anger/puffing of gills fit between the two. Originally I had a bright red fighter I dubbed Spanky. My TA came up and was like "Hey, if you want him, you can have him. We're trying to get rid of all of these fish since we don't need th...

C visits the ER

So last week was a weird week, as I alluded to on the Jupiter Ascending review. I actually wrote that while C was next to me in a morphine/Valium-induced coma (not really, but that was essentially what it was.) Wednesday he started telling me his neck hurt, and it hadn't gotten better Thursday morning. Of course, being the biology freak that I am, was convinced he had viral meningitis and didn't want to go near him, haha. I would make a terrible, terrible doctor. I hate communicable diseases. Anyway, so when I got back from work on Thursday we took him straight to the doctor, who first of all eased my meningitis worry since he didn't have a fever or other viral symptoms (sore throat, etc), gave him some pain meds and sent us home, saying if it got any worse we should take him to the ER. C insisted he was fine, so I went to Jupiter Ascending with W with my phone in my pocket in case anything happened. When I got home, there hadn't been any improvement at all. He trie...