Katelyn Goes to Another Football Game

So it's the end of another weekend, guys. I really hate Mondays. Actually, I rather dislike any day that I have to go to work. I'd rather just sit here and write on this blog all day and find Psych or GG memes and that would be awesome.

Also, should I post a link to this blog on like... Facebook or something? I've enjoyed it just being private (read: thanks for reading, C and R) but perhaps it deserves a wider audience. Yes? No? Kind of?

On to actual blogging material, I went to another football game with my grandpa. Boy, was that something.

So first off, I'm trying to find him outside the stadium, which is of course a madhouse. It doesn't help that's when the band decided to march into the near vicinity, making it impossible to contact anyone even if you see them due to the massive amounts of raucous noise in the vicinity. So I'm wandering around, trying to find an old guy in a sea of old guys, when all of a sudden this secret cop car pulls up (secret because it's one of those that looks like a regular car but has sirens hidden, you know what I'm talking about), and these burly dudes get out and are like kind of making room for this guy to get out of the backseat of the car, and guess who it is! Guess! ELDER BEDNAR, that's who! I'm pretty sure eye contact was made, guys. I mean, they were rushing him out of the car and up to the special entrance for fancy people but he waved in my general direction! So that was awesome.

So anyway, I finally find my grandpa wandering around, so that was a minor miracle. He was wearing earbuds though (he likes to sometimes listen to the radio commentary while watching it live). I wasn't sure if I was supposed to take that as a signal that I talk too much or something, I didn't think I did, I hardly talk at all, but maybe that was too much...? Sorry for my excessive verbage, Grandpa...

So he takes his earbuds out and is like "Where do you want to get something to eat? Do you like Costa Vida?" Which of course, if anyone knows me they know that's one of my favorite places of all time, but at the same time I know my grandpa is just saying just to be nice, and that he loves the Corndog Commander food truck they bring in the stadium, and he was super bummed last time when he couldn't find it. So I'm like "Nah, let's go find that corndog place!" Of course Grandpa gets all excited because that's his favorite place, so point me. And hey, they are pretty good corndogs.

After the corndogs had been mostly consumed (they're freaking massive), we head up to our seats. Usually I get to sit next to the lady that has the candy and share her blanket with me, but this time I got stuck by the beardo on the other side and Grandpa got to sit next to nice blanket-lady's husband, who he knows from one of his old jobs, I think. Should've known everything would have been downhill from Elder Bednar. I mean, you just can't get better than that. It's impossible.

So I'm chilling there watching the game, but I keep getting distracted by the people around me. And let's be real here, I am easily distracted at sporting events. We all know this. But anyway, the rundown of the people:
  • First, we have who I'll affectionately call "Farmville Guy". He just sat there on his phone literally THE WHOLE time playing Farmville, or some variant thereof. I was intrigued as to why he was even here, as he seemed to be much more interested in harvesting his corn crop than whatever was happening on the field.
  • Then we have "Overly Affectionate Couple" sitting one row down and one person over. They started flirting the minute they sat down and didn't stop until they got up and left (early, I might add. Dang those fair-weather fans.) From sharing a blanket to warming each other's hands to feeding each other nachos, these two were abhorrent. Simply abhorrent. I mean, if you're going to feed someone food make it romantic food. Nobody wants to be fed nachos, come on. At least spring for a pretzel or something. 
  • Next, we have "Perpetually Disappointed Fan". I met his acquaintance at the first play and nearly every play after that, since he couldn't get through thirty seconds without whining "Come on, Bronco" piteously after every play. I almost wanted to wrap him in a blanket, give him a cookie, and pat his head while gently whispering "There, there..." He left early too, but I wasn't complaining.
  • We also had the pleasure of meeting "Overly Tall Guy" who was sitting almost directly in front of my grandpa, causing him to lean over onto me half the time while watching stuff. It doesn't help that sometimes he twitches when something bad happens or the radio guy gets super excited, so at one point I thought he was going into diabetic seizure or something. No worries guys, he's fine. But thanks a lot, OTG. I thought we had a medical emergency on our hands, all because your genetics made you a tall freak. I guess that's not really his fault, but whatever.
  • Behind us we were treated to "Small Whiny Kid", who actually wasn't that bad last night. I think his parents have figured out if they buy him a giant donut he stays pretty quiet the entire time.
  • Then last but not least, my lovable grandpa. The grandpa, who when the wave is comes around, half-heartedly puts up a hand as an afterthought after the wave has moved onto the next section. 
 So all in all, an eventful game. I ended up giving my grandpa my jacket because he was cold, and he ended up wearing it like a weird scarf around his neck. Whatever works, man. He left early once the team crapped out on us so I was there sitting alone for a little while. Which was fine until nice blanket lady left, then it was cold :( So an interesting night. But hey, it was awesome blogging material!

Oh, and I've had requests to keep Eli's story going, so look for that on here soon.


