
Showing posts from 2013

Since it's New Year's Eve...

You get two posts! But this is just one song, sung two different ways, by my favorite people ever. Enjoy! "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve", first by the Head and the Heart: And now by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Leavitt: Awesome song, awesome people. -K

2013 In Review

Seeing as it's the last day of 2013, I figured I would reflect back on my year, and unfortunately, as my readers, you are forced along on the journey with me. Ha ha ha! So we start with... January January was pretty fun. I retook the first half of OChem (which sucked like every other time I've ever mentioned OChem), hung out with the awesome half of my apartment (remember back when I lived with the crappiest people in the world??? SO glad that's over...), saw all the guys from Kid History in person, and played a lot of Just Dance. Me and my roommates like drawing comics...Yeah. February February was a rough one (read: boys suck). I was again grateful for my good roommates and friends. I don't know all that much about what happened in February...A lot of studying at the kitchen table, eating microwave popcorn and Pringles. Ooh, and those red cinnamon gummy hearts they sell at Macey's during the Valentine's Day season. Dang, those are good. Let's s...

Sunday Nights at Home

They may or may not include: Hallmark (A BRIDE FOR CHRISTMAS) Popcorn & Candy Making fun of our dad Dad making fun of all of us Impossible puzzles (I mean, five billion paint buckets? Are you SERIOUS???) And 500 other random things. For instance, today I learned that my little sister loves making jewelry with tiny rubber bands. I have like six hundred bracelets now...even C got in on the bracelet fun. Now he has some really masculine man jewelry...(read: C's wearing bracelets made out of hot pink rubber bands to make my sister happy...) Also, I missed putting a song on my last post, so here's a couple to make up for it: Sorry it's only 40 seconds long...I own the whole song though...Here's another one to make up for it.. And if you don't like Psych, here's yet another song to make you happy. At least, it makes me happy: -K

Yes, I know...

...It's been awhile. But to be fair, I've been up to a lot lately. Want to hear all about it? Um, why else would you be reading this thing? Here we go! Well, school's out for winter break. I actually got a D in OChem, miracle of miracles. Don't have to take that crap again for awhile. Woohoo! Haha, and I even passed the stupid lab that went with it. Want to know how crappy it went? My TA bought one of those Gandalf stamps that says "You Shall Not Pass!!!" on it and started stamping all my papers with it... Not my lab paper, but you get the idea... Freaking Dan. He said if he could date one of my roommates he'd give me an A. Guess I should have taken him up on that offer. Oh well. It got to the point where he would just wander over to my experiment, take a look, sigh, and then say "Miss (last name here), what did you do this time..." and I'd look at it and go "Hey man, it seems to be going pretty well to me," and he'd...

School & Crap Like That

Well folks, the semester has officially started, and I am not excited. OChem is laaaaaaame but at least my teacher has a personality this year... But the lab is even worse. At least when you're sitting in a lecture hall if you mess something up you won't blow anything up. But in lab? Good luck, buddy. Good luck. At least so far I haven't messed anything up too badly, although all my experiments have gone wrong in some way... But good news! Today I didn't mess anything up too badly. But we were only doing chromatography, so it wasn't a big deal. Dump some methylene chloride in a jar, put some stuff on your test strip, and let the capillary action go to work. Woo. So in the end, I didn't end up blowing anything sky high... In other news, choir should be good this semester. Patrick's already cracking the whip on vowels, which I appreciate so much. A choir without good vowels is like popcorn without M&M's. It's just sad. Other ...

Concussions and Mr. Chicken

Well, my roommate went and concussed herself again. *sigh* Somehow she always manages to hit her head on the most random of things at the most random of times, and ends up injuring herself. This time she actually went to the doctor's and got checked out and everything, so that's good. What does that mean for me? Lots of movies and listening to odd ramblings about random things. So it could be worse. When she got her wisdom teeth out and was on all sorts of painkillers she kept talking about The Ghost and Mr. Chicken...which is apparently a movie? Back then I had no idea what the heck it was, so I just kept saying "It's not here..." and she'd get all upset about it and then ask again like half an hour later. It was stressful. Thank goodness our home teachers brought us over some Jambas or I would've given up then and there. Still haven't seen this...Still don't want to. What else...typed out a soccer game last night, wrists still hurt so this...

70th Post!

Well guys, C is off at camp until all hours of the night this week, so you're getting all sorts of posts this week. Mood music? This is my current favorite song: One Republic's whole album is amazing, this is just the current track I'm obsessed with. But I'm about *this* close to buying Norah Jones' premiere album, so I'll probably be posting about that next time. What else is new...Got a new roommate. She loves cooking and baking, so that's cool. Although the other day she brought home a pizza from Little Caesar's, and anyone that knows me knows I can't even smell that stuff without feeling nauseous. *grimace* Good things? Let's see. Last week of full-time work! Woo! Plus my boss tried typing out a whole football game like she wants us to do, and let's just say she has a little more understanding of what we do all day, haha. Finished the game our coach called the worst football he'd ever seen played by his team, so that was fun ...

Fine...A Real Post

So C has informed me that's not a real post, and it puts him in a bad light. To which I replied: But he didn't like that either, and he was like: And I was like: AKA "Don't mind me, just eating my popcorn..." So for real, what's going on? My roommate had a quarter-life crisis and bought a gigantic flat-screen TV, so that's awesome. And then my OTHER roommate bought a Wii, and we were like: Sweet! So many Just Dance parties are going to be going down very very soon. Except...they're all starting school tomorrow and I don't start until next week, so they'll be sadly doing schoolwork and I'll be partying. And another good thing about this TV - it has an HDMI hookup. So now we can hook up our laptops and watch Psych on Netflix again! (If you can't tell from gif overload, I'm very excited about this.) -K

Guest Post from C

Here's C, everybody.  C: "Hey Katelyn, I'm too busy watching MLS to blog on your blog." Me: "Well....suck it." That's all you get, devout followers. -K 

Two Weeks Later...

I've heard from multiple people it's time to update again. Last time I wrote was....a couple weeks ago....Yeah. Never fear, I'm still into Duck Dynasty... ...THIS girl got to be a maid of honor... ...And also took the GRE... ...went to a Real game with THIS boy :) ...worked a few soccer games...along with her 40 hours a week...and lots of other stuff that I can't think of right now.... On the fun side of things, we had to move all of our furniture out of our living room so they could clean our carpets yesterday, and we just haven't moved them back yet, so we have all this room in our room. Just Dance parties are definitely going down in the near future. -K Current song stuck in my head? Well, if you really want to know...

Sunday Morning...

Sunday afternoon, actually. But this song still applies. Love me some Maroon 5.  Today was good. Went back to church after not being there for two weeks (I'm not a heathen, I was on vacation...) which was fun, I guess. Our ward is smaller than I remembered. Plus now we have church in a building on campus, which is lame because it's the math building, and it just reeks of nerd. Not hating on nerds (I am one, pretty much) but...yeah. Not a fan. I mean, there are lockers in this building. Like we never left high school. *grimace* Oh well. This week promises to be exciting, as THIS GIRL: We're Nerd Herders! (N is the one with glasses...) getting married! So excited! N & K are so cute together! DISCLAIMER: I started this post last Sunday...but now it's Sunday again and I haven't been posting, so...yeah. Instead of starting a new post I just modified the draft I never published. The wedding was yesterday. It was a really great day. N l...

Your Lucky Day

Two post in a day! You lucky readers, you. Had to share this, and it deserves its own post. Ready for this awesomeness??? They released a song from Psych: The Musical!!! WATCH IT!!! IT IS AWESOME!!! You're welcome. If you want a look at season 8, click  here. -K Oh Lassie...LAST NIGHT GUS

DD & the Daily Grind

Pretty sure the worst part of vacation is going back to your regular life. It's fun the first day back when everyone's like "Hey I missed you!" and you're like "oh, stop it, I know, (meaningless questions about their life, my trip, blah blah blah...) It's been nice to be making money again though, I need it for school. Here's what I'm listening to while I type this: Good stuff. Not much of importance has happened lately. Ooh! Went to the dentist and got a cavity filled without being numbed up. That's right. No injections for me! Now before you start getting all "Wow Katelyn, aren't you masochistic...", it didn't hurt, it was a small cavity, my dentist said it was fine. I hate being numbed up. I will do almost anything to not have people inject things into me. In all seriousness. Last time I went to the dentist the power went out and that was awkward, so this time went a lot better. I still hate dentists though. ...

Vacation Wrap-Up

Well, I got home safe, despite everyone almost killing each other in the car (driving straight from 9 am until 11:30 pm). Whoo. Quite the trip. Ready for the summary: Movies Watched: 5 (Iron Man, Hairspray, Leap Year, Warm Bodies, and Avengers) Episodes Watched: 3 Psychs (Last Night Gus, This Episode Sucks, and The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap Man, Issue #2) Music: Warm Bodies playlist, "Picture Show" by Neon Trees Snacks: Holy cow. Peachy Os, gummy bears, chips, Goldfish, many treats... Annoyance Level: moderate to high to extremely high to unbearably high Man, that drive home was rough. But it was really nice to be home in one day instead of spreading it over two, and P did better than expected. Me and R didn't argue about movies, and N did her own thing (i.e., watched the entire sixth season of Psych and season one of Castle...) And we had lots of snacks! Made it bearable. Things I did on this trip for the first time: -Watched a marathon of D...