First Post of 2015

Well, 2015 has been semi-eventful thus far. Want a list of all I've done so far? Sweet, here you go:
  • Caught and recovered from one awful cold
  • Made some kick-butt Italian herb bread
  • Went to a bridal shower for M
  • Planned and executed a bachelorette party for M
  • Went to the temple to see M get her endowments taken out (yes, the last three bullet points were all for the same person. January is turning into M-month around here.)
  • Started to apply C for five different graduate schools
  • C took the GRE (and did great!)
  • I wore heels to church (trying to break in the heels before M's wedding, but those things were killing me yesterday.) 
So that's all I can think of that I've done so far. The most stressful ones for me were the GRE and M's bachelorette party. I was really worried because she was like "Oh, I'm inviting 20 people" and I was like "Um, whaaaaaa?!" but they didn't all come so that was good. Plus she had a lot of crazy people there so I didn't even have to break out any of  the "games" I had planned, we just ate snacks and hung out and made fun of M, and that was about it. C actually got invited to M's fiance's bachelor party (which we're still trying to figure out, since he's not really in the wedding party and has met the fiance like once...) so that was interesting. But hey, C got to go bowling, so that was fun. Plus, we got him a matching tie to match my bridesmaid's dress so we're going to look awesome together at this thing. But I have a question, what's the etiquette for a wedding dinner the night before? In lieu of a luncheon the day of (which would have been nice since we'll be doing this wedding thing basically all day :P) they're having a dinner the night before, but what's the dress code for such events? Do I need to wear a dress or something? I hate dresses... It's not going to be at a restaurant or anything, just at a cultural hall, does that change things? Does C need to wear a tie? Can I wear Converse? So many questions, and not enough answers. I'm going to safely bet I can't wear my Chuck Taylors to this thing, though. 

Other news... Back on season three of GG in my third time rewatching the series. I have decided I'm a much bigger fan of Rory at Chilton than Rory at college. I just like them living together and all the Jess/Dean/Lane/Dave drama more than the whole college scene. Plus then she gets that bad haircut, and ugh. Rory did not need that awful bob, especially freshman year. I mean, really. Speaking of GG, I hear Chad Michael Murray is on Agent Carter and now I actually want to watch it. Seems like it's been a long time since Chad was on something good, and since I haven't super gotten into Agents of Shield maybe this will help. I'm behind on Arrow and The Flash still, but people keep telling me to try new shows. The latest was someone telling me to try Parks and Rec, which I tried when I was sick and I was pretty bored with it, but she says it'll get better so maybe I'll keep trying? To be perfectly honest I'm just waiting for Castle to come back on so I have my show again. It's back tonight, yay!

Castle for the road?

I want to be her when I grow up...

I just love his face in this one...

