Week 15
Haha, hey guys... Yes, I know it's been awhile. I'm very aware of that. I'm sorry, loyal following. I really am. But school literally kicked my butt this semester, and the little time I wasn't studying I was spending with C or my roommates doing roommate-y things. The only reason I've poked my head out today is because I finished my last final and figured if I had time to watch Jeopardy, I had time to blog about my life. So let me inform you as to what I've been up to for the last 15 weeks. Here we go!
The word that best describes this semester is just... meh. Meh. Meh. That's all I have to say about that. Hard classes, and really time-consuming ones. I'll have to write a bunch of my stories on here later, I have some really great ones from English and anatomy lab... Suffice it to say school was long, boring, hard, strenuous, but had some good moments as well.
What the hey, I'll write about it now. It's not like I have anything better to do! Also my food isn't done cooking and Jeopardy's on a commercial break. So yes, here we go! Also, you should go back and read my "Week One" post before this one, it's hilarious to see what I though then and what I thought now...
-Technical Communication: This actually ended up being one of my favorites. Once me and my teacher got more acquainted and understood each other's senses of humor, we got along great. We got along great, it was awesome. This was the first class I've felt comfortable making a comment in in a really long time, which is saying a lot. My group ended up being fine, we did a project on Arches National Park that turned out really well. My single favorite moment from this class was when we were learning about comma splices and we had some really heinous sentences we had to fix...And they were bad. I couldn't even figure out how to fix them without totally rewriting the sentence, and this is me we're talking about, the girl who took an editing class for fun... So anyway, we're sitting there, and my teacher knows I've taken a few editing classes, so she's like "Katelyn, how would you fix the next sentence?" I look at it for a minute, and I have no idea, so I just said "This sentence is a hot mess, I have no idea..." and the entire class laughed for like two whole minutes. It was awesome.
- Cell Biology: It went okay. Thank goodness for TAs who do good reviews, that's all I can say about that. Thank freaking goodness.
- Marriage/Family Studies: This class ended up being a nice break from all those classes you have to think for. I liked the casual feeling of the class, and I learned some things about what makes good relationships work. Note to self: Don't be selfish.
- Anatomy: Dang. That's all I have to say about that. It was definitely the most time-consuming class ever. Between the lab (dealing with cadavers) and the actual class (dealing with lecture), I never had any free time. I had my lab manual with me at all times, and whenever I had a free moment I was studying body parts. And man, dealing with those cadavers was hard for me. The first couple weeks I felt like I was going to pass out, but it got better as time went on. Biggest help? Eat a couple hours before you go in, and you'll feel a lot better. I liked being able to see what the inside of a person looks like, but now it's all I think about. Anatomy has ruined me. I'll have to write a whole post just about that, man.
- Guitar: Good class. I learned a lot more about playing the guitar, especially fingerpicking. I'm a lot better now. Plus I can play Kumbaya like nobody's business.
Social Life
Well, still have the same roommates. Everything's been really great this semester, they recently got me hooked on Gilmore Girls so that's a thing. An awesome thing. I love those Gilmores.
Still curious about C, are we? Well, this video should clear everything up about that...
I promised this wouldn't become a newlywed blog, and I'll stick to it. But you will hear a little more about C from here on out...
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