
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Dish Fairy

Sometimes I get annoyed. It doesn't take a lot to annoy me, but it takes a lot to get me to tell you about it. I'm kind of a roll-with-the-punches kind of girl. But let me tell you, I'm getting really close to throwing out some punches with the current dish situation. Yes, the dish situation. Didn't you just feel a tingle of dread run down your spine? I know I did. Here's the thing. I think my roommates think there's a dish fairy that magically comes and does the dishes and leaves them all sparkling clean so they can have clean pots for their Pasta Roni and clean bowls for their Special K. I am not kidding. I swear. It's like when there's no dishes because I don't have time and I'm sick of doing them all week, they're like, "What? We have no bowls!!!", and I'm like "no DUH". And then when they do do the dishes (once every month or so), they're like "I did the dishes! Now we have clean ones!" like they...

I"ve got a story for you Girl Scouts...

Once upon a time, there was a magical place where it never rained. ... The End.

Katelyn Goes to a YSA Dance

Here it goes people. You get to hear about my awesome New Year's Eve. I just can't wait to tell you all about it...Ha. Ha. Ha. If you have something more interesting to do, like watching paint dry, then be my guest. I won't be offended. Really. ... Oh good, you're still here. Actually, it's not that bad, compared to some other ones I've had. I feel like the older I get, the lamer holidays like New Year's Eve become. Since I'm a college student, all my friends disappear after Finals Week and magically appear when the term starts, which basically leaves me with nothing to do. It's a good thing that my best friend lives close by, so I don't feel so much like a loser. This year, we got invited to a local YSA dance, so we decided to drop in. Okay. You've all been there. You walk in. Simultaneously, you're hit with every variety of Axe ever made, as well as the entire Bath and Body Works collection. Now add those together with an overw...