2016 Year in Recap
Are you READY to recap 2016??? Cue mood music! Dance along if you feel so inclined. January We attempted to keep another beta as a pet - Jeffrey. Unfortunately that didn't work out and Jeffrey swam up to the big fishtank in the sky. I went back to work at my meh job. I read a lot more and reviewed for the CBMR. C started his new semester. (To be honest, not that much happened.) February We got a teeny baby fish and raised him as best as we could. It was an oddly warm February, and that was awesome. My obsession with Sing It On began (go Nor'easters!) I got a LinkedIn account (that I never use...) We started inviting the missionaries over for dinner. R got into BYU! March I kept crafting. I read Go Set a Watchman and had lots of feelings about it. We attempted to socialize with the ward members more. I was told to "watch out for crayfish" in the employee parking lot. My college got Spring Break, but I had to come to work anyway. I discovered Eise...