
Showing posts from December, 2016

HC&M: Fantastic Mehs and Where to Find Them

Here we go, friends. The great month of November is over... Happy: -...which means we get to move into the great month of December! Home of Christmas! And Christmas music! And Christmas treats! And everything else Christmas! And N's birthday! -November ended up being okay. My birthday was a lot of fun, we had a good Thanksgiving, and enjoyed the break after C's hard semester to just hang out and catch up. It's funny because I live with C, and yet for the last couple weeks we've hardly hung out at all, thanks to school.  It's cool. I like having alone time. But it's fun to hang out with your best friend again. I missed him. -C really pulled out the stops for my birthday. He took me to a cake decorating class and I got to learn a couple good techniques for decorating/piping cakes. Sadly, I do not have the equipment to do what we did there, but it was fun to do for an afternoon. We also tried this awesome place called !Bang Bang! Pies, and it was rea...