Biopsies & Busted Cars
Well friends, it's been awhile, and thanks to the "gentle proddings" of R, I have decided to update yet again.
What's up.
What's new with me, you ask? Well, a few things.
Media Day went really well. Got to see my favorite football coach EVER like 20 feet away from me talking to all his old quarterbacks before recording a live broadcast. Probably one of the top 20 moments of my life. He is really funny. You wouldn't think it from his demeanor on the field, but he's got quite the sense of humor.
Media Day and Dress up Tuesday were fun because bosslady was gone, so we got to hang out and be chill. I got to talk to some of my cool coworkers for awhile without getting dirty looks shot at me or "work, please" thrown in my face. Awwwwwwwwww yeah.
"This is me...Hugging you...Over the airwaves...mmmmmm..MMMMMM...mmmmm" +10 points if you you can tell me this episode! |
Anyway. So work was more chill, but she came back on Thursday. So nice break, but back to the real world. Thankfully, there weren't too many captioning emergencies while she was gone. There was an emergency right after Media Day when they needed captions for one of the shows to put it online, but I have no idea how she does it, she's never taught me, so I looked like a total idiot. Thankfully bossman took care of it, but I still felt like an imbecile. Then she gets back and is like "Oh, didn't you know the instructions are all here? (names random vague folder)" and I was like " seen that before in my life." So that was awkward as well. But that's okay! It's the weekend now.
Went to the dermatologist and got some stuff biopsied, so now I have like five different Band Aids all over my neck, and people keep asking if I've been bitten by a spider or something. No, idiotic people. No. I got all my moles shaved off to make sure I don't have skin cancer. Whee.
And the bad news continues! My car is dead again :/ Tried to start it after my dermatology appointment on Thursday but it wouldn't. It just sat there, and I was like "Thank you for nothing, you useless Nissan." It's been pretty good to me in the past, but this is the...third (?) time this year it's broken down? Useless hunk of Japanese crap. So now it's chilling in the shop for the weekend. But the problem is I NEED MY CAR. I need to teach piano on Monday and get back for my regular job on Tuesday, and I walked to work on Friday, and it about killed me. Figures the one week we hit 100s I have to walk to and from work. #firstworldproblems
But seriously. Thank goodness my roommate M was home to come and get me! Or else I would have missed my really fun stake activity! *sarcasm* It was okay, I guess. It's hard when you go to a dance because you figure there'll be slow songs so you can catch your breath, and even if you're not slow dancing you can go pretend to check your phone in the corner or something. But no. There was nothing of the sort. There were fast songs, and faster songs. That was it. And for some of the songs me and M were like "What the freaking heck are we supposed to do to this song?" and then M would whip out some random dance move and I was very impressed. Even if no one else was. (M's addition to this blog post). Hooray for stake dances. (To read more about my thoughts on stake dances, go HERE. Yeah, it's like the third blog post I ever wrote...but it's still okay. I say that as if I've gotten better over the years...HAHAHA)
I think I've told you all enough about my life. Applications for chauffeur are currently being accepted. Especially if you're Joe.
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