
Showing posts from June, 2013

Biopsies & Busted Cars

Well friends, it's been awhile, and thanks to the "gentle proddings" of R, I have decided to update yet again.  What's up. What's new with me, you ask? Well, a few things. Media Day went really well. Got to see my favorite football coach EVER like 20 feet away from me talking to all his old quarterbacks before recording a live broadcast. Probably one of the top 20 moments of my life. He is really funny. You wouldn't think it from his demeanor on the field, but he's got quite the sense of humor. Media Day and Dress up Tuesday were fun because bosslady was gone, so we got to hang out and be chill. I got to talk to some of my cool coworkers for awhile without getting dirty looks shot at me or "work, please" thrown in my face. Awwwwwwwwww yeah.  "This is me...Hugging you...Over the airwaves...mmmmmm..MMMMMM...mmmmm" +10 points if you you can tell me this episode! Anyway. So work was more chill, but she came back on Th...

"Here We Go Again..."

"I kinda want to be more than friends..." Sorry, that song's been stuck in my head all day long and I needed to share it with someone. Man, I love Neon Trees...if you didn't know that already... Me and N at the Neon Trees concert last summer Yay Neon Trees! My only concert I've ever been to (unless you count Stadium of Fire). Good times! Today I had to dress up nice for work, and nobody else did (besides our one male coworker N, who looked all snazzy today too.) I guess there was a miscommunication...? I thought everyone needed to look nice but um...nobody did. Oh well. Stressful work day. Had to do a live event, and they gave us a script, then told us it was different, and then used the original one anyway :/ So annoying. It all worked out in the end, I suppose. Very stressful for awhile, though.  I'm currently being annoyed by a roommate of mine. She's hard to get along with because she's a bit of a shy girl, so she only goes to...

Baseball & Adam Levine

So my littlest sister P is terrified, I repeat TERRIFIED of loud noises. So naturally, we decided it would be a good idea to take her to a baseball game. *sigh* Every time they hit a foul ball and it bounced off the roof above us, she would jump and put her fingers in her ears and not take them out for like five whole minutes, and by then they'd hit another foul ball. It was a vicious cycle. And then we learned that they were doing fireworks after the game, which would be awesome, but noooooo, P was having a major freak-out so we had to leave. I'm pretty sure I wasn't that particular when I was her age, but then again, what do I know? But we didn't get to see the end, which was depressing. If I'm going to a game, I'm going to the whole game. But hey, maybe P will grow out of her fear of any kind of noise someday. Fingers crossed?  Here's some cute pictures!  P pre-freakout Aren't we precious? So yes. Baseball. Woot. It was act...

DI & Rodeos

It's been an all-right week, friends. I've been making better friends with my coworkers, which has been nice. Work's still a drag sometimes but I've been doing better in that department. Doesn't hurt that I brought some s'more Goldfish, and that's a work favorite. My boss-boss (not boss lady) came up and was like "We should have a captioning party!" and I was like YES PLEASE. All the other departments get parties and fun stuff...and I'm just sitting here, captioning. It was a semi-stressful day on Thursday, we got a show in really, really late and it needed captions, so my boss put me on it (I assume because she knew I'd get it done) and so I did an hour-long show about the Oklahoma tornadoes in about two and a half hours, which is a really big deal.  Usually it takes about four hours if you want to do a really nice job, but we just didn't have the time for it. It was a little stressful, and my hands were killing me that night. And just...

Recent Work Happenings

Hey guys, what's up. Went back to work today after the weekend, good times. I had to edit a speech, and the lameo who transcribed it before me apparently thought Moses brought the "ten plaques" to Egypt instead of the ten plagues. Come on, people... More "Katelyn educates the captioners about sports" moments today - had to explain to a coworker that football players don't score in an "inzone", they score in an "end zone". *sigh* Although the way all these old announcers can talk, I can see how she would be confused. On a more positive note, the same speaker brought in this great quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. Interesting to think about, right? According to this scale, I'm more often an average mind, although I have my small and great moments. Usually when I'm in my "great mind" mode it's when me and my mom or dad or sisters are discussing problems and how to solve them, and it always ends up boiling down to the...


Image favorite summer show is definitely... Awwww yeah. I've been waiting all year for this show to come back! Just finished Vegas week yesterday, and next Tuesday we'll find out who the top 20 are. Woo! So here are a couple of my favorite dances from past seasons: Dancing starts around one minute in. Definitely my favorite hip hop routine ever. TWITCH!!! And also Alex (the Asian one). He came to SYTYCD as a ballet dancer, and this was the first time he had performed an different genre like that. Freaking amazing. good. Best choreographers ever. And they're husband and wife. Another NappyTabs routine, which are the BEST. I remember watching this with my roommates and they all screamed when he kissed her and I was just like "Whoa." They've never done a kiss before, and I was always a Melanie/Marko fan. And the judges' commentary at this one - awesome. I was laughing for 20 minutes after this one. PDA fest! And speaking ...

Zombies and Tornadoes

Which word's definition is "(v.) to renounce something"? A. Abdicate B. Brook C. Auger D. Obfuscate E. Abnegate And the answer is...E! Yeah, I didn't get it either. I thought it was abdicate, but apparently that means "to give up a duty or position", as opposed to "to renounce something". Whatever. It's little things like that that are going to make me suck at this test, I just know it. Oh well. I found this cool website that throws definitions and words at you and you have to answer them, so that's been helpful. I'm getting a little bit better every day, so that's nice. Still feel like a total idiot most of the time though. What have I been up to lately...saw Warm Bodies over the weekend, good times. Funny movie. Might be the only zombie movie I'll ever enjoy (or frankly, watch). "Don't be creepy, don't be creepy, don't be creepy...This date is not going well. I want to die all over again." ...

Bernard Lassiter

Q: The quotient of 27 squared and 15 squared is the square of what number? A: 9/5 Yeah, that's right. Thought I'd switch it up from vocabulary to math today. I've been studying for a couple hours, trying to relearn all the crap I forgot about exponents and square roots. Kill me now. Studying for the GRE is kind of like this: ...and then you have to re-learn all of it. I don't hate math, I'm okay at it, but hello. There's a reason I'm in biology and not math education or something equally as distasteful. I remember watching that show Numb3rs as a kid and being like "What? People grow up and choose to do math as a job? What the heck do they do?" Of course, Charlie ended up solving mysteries with math, so that was cool. Not cool enough for me to go into forensic mathematics, however. If there is such a thing... Thirsty Thursday went pretty well, if anyone was wondering. We had some awesome treats and a fancy little container for our...


GRE Question of the Day: Choose the word that is most opposite of the bold word. Perfidy A. fidelity B. diffidence C. confusion D. affidavit E. infidel And the answer is...A! Yeah, I didn't know that one either. Zero for two, guys. Maybe tomorrow's question will be easier. May the odds be ever in your favor. Sheez, may the odds be ever in MY favor. Today was fun. I helped make a bunch of cupcakes (read: I tasted the frosting and said it was good, and also sprinkled sprinkles). But man, I have edible glitter all over my pants now. I look like a denim disco ball. But it'll be worth it! Tomorrow's Thirsty Thursday (read: another time for pathetic singles of the ward to gather and awkwardly flirt at each other), and it's being hosted at our apartment. But it's okay, because we're going to class it up with our glittery cupcakes and tarts. No one else will be able to compete with our Thirsty Thursday. Not that I'll know, because I don't usuall...

Tuesday Night Musings

Well, I went back to work today. Woot! It wasn't terrible, really. Got to do some live captioning, which was nice. Don't want to get out of practice! Like that would ever happen... Boss lady told me to teach new girl to live caption, so I did my best. I'm really not the "show you how to do it" type. I had to learn by experimentation, so she should too, right? Gosh, I'm mean. In other news...I signed up for the GRE last weekend! And the more I prepare, the more worried I get. I thought I had a pretty extensive vocabulary. Ha! Ha! Ha! Want to look at an example question? Here you go. Choose the word with the most opposite meaning of the bold word. Recondite A. Abstruse B. Erudite C. Understandable D. Obtuse E. Seismic Give up? The answer is C. Don't ask me... The face I made while grading my practice test I thought I was smart. The GRE is going to prove me wrong, I just know it. But it's okay, with a lot of vocabulary study and som...

Class of 2013

She did it, guys! Class of 2013! Congratulations, Colie! -K