Biopsies & Busted Cars
Well friends, it's been awhile, and thanks to the "gentle proddings" of R, I have decided to update yet again. What's up. What's new with me, you ask? Well, a few things. Media Day went really well. Got to see my favorite football coach EVER like 20 feet away from me talking to all his old quarterbacks before recording a live broadcast. Probably one of the top 20 moments of my life. He is really funny. You wouldn't think it from his demeanor on the field, but he's got quite the sense of humor. Media Day and Dress up Tuesday were fun because bosslady was gone, so we got to hang out and be chill. I got to talk to some of my cool coworkers for awhile without getting dirty looks shot at me or "work, please" thrown in my face. Awwwwwwwwww yeah. "This is me...Hugging you...Over the airwaves...mmmmmm..MMMMMM...mmmmm" +10 points if you you can tell me this episode! Anyway. So work was more chill, but she came back on Th...