Sorry Guys...

...I know it's been awhile. School's been kicking my butt this semester and I've had a lot going on, between school and work and roommates and a certain guy I've been spending a lot of time with ;) I just haven't had  a lot of time to write, and at the same time make it interesting. But hey, that's college. 

It's President's Day, which means I get the day off (Yay!) but means I should be catching up on all the stuff I'm behind on (lame). This is also the last day off I get until the end of the semester (BYU doesn't get spring break, unfortunately). I hate winter semester for that very reason. I tend to get burned out around the beginning of March and we still have a bunch left to go. Just thinking about it makes me stressed. Oh well.

What else...

Me and my roommates have been getting along better, especially the one that I vented about a few months back. Sometimes I go back and think about how ridiculously annoyed I got, and it makes me laugh. It takes a lot to get on my nerves, but once you're

Plus, it helps that the other roommate that annoys me is leaving in March forever! Ahahahaha! I feel slightly bad about being so excited, but her decorations for the apartment are everywhere, and I'm just excited to totally gut the place and make it look more like a normal student apartment again. We've tried moving her stuff, or corralling it into a corner in the past, and she always just moves it back after asking us why we moved it in the first place. *frustration* But hey. We just have to make it 'til March! Totally doable. I mean, come on. For example, her bucket of fake flowers. Why are you so attached to them? I got REAL flowers from my favorite guy, and they should be in a place of prominence, not your dusty fake buttercups. Right?! Be reasonable. But it's okay, because I shoved them to the back of the shelf so hopefully nobody will look at them too closely.

Granted, they aren't this bad. At least they're not in a fake watermelon. 

But hello! Aren't these twelve million times better?!! (These are mine, by the way.)
But enough ranting for one day. I now invite you to appreciate all of Colin Mochrie's amazing faces.

The bonnet's a nice touch.

Until next time, 

