You have been sufficiently warned. If you're looking for something that will bring a gentle smile to your face, like a bunch of kittens or something, I've got a website for you. Google Images. If you're here to read about my ANNOYING roommate, read on, friends. You ready for this? Okay. First of all, you should know that I will do almost anything to avoid contention with roommates. I've found that if you pick your battles extremely selectively (like for me, when it comes to the A/C), you get a lot farther than crying about everything. True story. So I complain a lot when I get in mediums like this because I know they're never going to read/never care to read/never even think that I would have a blog. I'm just going to make a bullet list of problems, if it's all the same to you. Shake up the format, and all. Chronologically through the day, if possible. First thing in the morning. Truth is, I don't really like talking to people in the morning, but...