70th Post!
Well guys, C is off at camp until all hours of the night this week, so you're getting all sorts of posts this week. Mood music? This is my current favorite song: One Republic's whole album is amazing, this is just the current track I'm obsessed with. But I'm about *this* close to buying Norah Jones' premiere album, so I'll probably be posting about that next time. What else is new...Got a new roommate. She loves cooking and baking, so that's cool. Although the other day she brought home a pizza from Little Caesar's, and anyone that knows me knows I can't even smell that stuff without feeling nauseous. *grimace* Good things? Let's see. Last week of full-time work! Woo! Plus my boss tried typing out a whole football game like she wants us to do, and let's just say she has a little more understanding of what we do all day, haha. Finished the game our coach called the worst football he'd ever seen played by his team, so that was fun ...