
Showing posts from April, 2013

Music Monday

Hey all you out there. It's Monday, which  means piano teaching day! Woohoo! I'd be more excited if my kids would stop "quitting for the summer" :/ In my experience, "quit for the summer" = "quit forever"... So hopefully these kids are really just taking a break and not quitting for good. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Piano teaching is interesting because you can advertise all you want, but if nobody wants to take piano you're up crap creek, as my dad likes to say. I've been able to build up my business pretty well over the last few years, but with the economy the way it is people cut out what they don't need, and unfortunately a lot of the time that includes piano lessons. I guess it's their decision, it's just really sad when one of my favorite kids will quit (who am I kidding, they're all my favorite) and they had so much potential that will go unrealized. It's hard for me when one of my kids quits. Almost not...

Friday Thoughts

Well, school's out for the summer! Not really, I'm still taking some summer classes, so no break for me :/ But that's okay. I brought it on myself, and if I work hard then I can graduate in December! Oh yeah, believe it. I could be a college grad soon! (Actually, if you want to get technical, I was a college grad back in 2009, when I graduated with my Associate's degree...but I could have a degree actually worth something soon.) What else...Well, due to some miscommunication at my job, I now get to live-caption two softball games in a row tonight and two in a row tomorrow. Let me tell you something. Softball is, without a doubt, the most boring sport ever created. No joke...Unless golf is in the picture. That might be the most boring sport to transcribe. But softball is by far the worst thing I've ever live-captioned. I don't know. I'm sure it's fun to play, and I know people that enjoy it, but good grief. The worst part is the announcers on my station...


So I've been getting a lot more hits on my blog lately. Thanks, random people in Germany and South Korea. You guys make my day. (Oh, and thanks to Mel and Rob for reading this, since you're the only English-speaking people I know that do. Woot!) Anyway...Now that I have an official following (HAHAHA) I should start posting more interesting stuff, right? Or something? I've been looking around at other blogs people have, and they usually have one of these themes: "Ohmygosh we're NEWLYWEDS and our life is SO GREAT because we're TOGETHER all the TIME and let me tell you about how GREAT AND WONDERFUL MY HUSBAND IS because [insert gushy crap here] [more gush] [and even more gush] [I bet you thought they were done, but EVEN MORE GUSH] etc, etc, etc.  Overly large pictures of food they've made, followed by a recipe, as if you can supposedly make it look as good as the perfectly formed (probably Photoshopped/Pinterested) icons that you see. Let me tell you, co...

Finals (AKA Useless Ramblings)

Well, it's finals week. All of my finals were scheduled within a 24-hour period (worst idea ever, especially having two at 7 am in a row...Who does that?! I can do one in a row, easy. But for some reason, two in a row is way harder than you'd think...) Anyway. So yes. 24 hours later and all my finals are done. I have one more final project to work on, but it's for my annoying Editing class and I'm just at the point where I don't care anymore. I'll make the changes she told me to make, and then I'll be done. That was probably the most annoying class I've ever taken. Haha, thank goodness for teacher evaluations. >:) It was raining when I went to my final at 7 am today, which I liked. I had gotten up late (6:45??!!! How did that EVEN happen?!?!?!?!) and I was extremely stressed, because I hate being late, and it meant I couldn't review for my final before like I had planned :( So I ended up throwing on my favorite T-shirt and brushing my teeth an...


Yeah, I know it's been awhile. Bite me. Finals week is coming up and I'm fading fast. And by fading fast I mean I have zero motivation...The only way that I can get stuff done is turning up my "Classical for Studying" station on Pandora and thinking about how much it would suck to fail any of my classes. It usually does the trick (for awhile, anyways). It doesn't help that my roommates have recently decided to start watching Psych from the beginning, so we're on season one. Party hardy. I would much rather be watching Psych than doing anything for anything of my classes, true story. Last night we watched the one where Shawn pretends to be a worker at the space museum and introduces himself as "Aurora Borealis". It's a good one, look it up. You know that's right. Annoying roommate update: She has decided that Psych is an appropriate show for her to watch (??? Or maybe she ran out of MASH episodes...?) Either way, now she sits out with us...