Music Monday
Hey all you out there. It's Monday, which means piano teaching day! Woohoo! I'd be more excited if my kids would stop "quitting for the summer" :/ In my experience, "quit for the summer" = "quit forever"... So hopefully these kids are really just taking a break and not quitting for good. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Piano teaching is interesting because you can advertise all you want, but if nobody wants to take piano you're up crap creek, as my dad likes to say. I've been able to build up my business pretty well over the last few years, but with the economy the way it is people cut out what they don't need, and unfortunately a lot of the time that includes piano lessons. I guess it's their decision, it's just really sad when one of my favorite kids will quit (who am I kidding, they're all my favorite) and they had so much potential that will go unrealized. It's hard for me when one of my kids quits. Almost not...