52 Newbs

Well, since I got a jump of 52 views yesterday, um, hi, new people. Hope you like what you read. If not, I guess just click away to something better. But let's be real, people. What's better than reading my random blog? Nothing!

Well, except this:

And this: 

And this: 

You know what? Fine. There are lot of things better than this blog. But not too many! (But come on, that pic of Nathan Fillion? Freaking adorable. Plus, Castle was nice Monday night in that most of my questions were answered, and I am no longer terribly annoyed that he missed his wedding day and ran away for two months. Yay!)

Well, in personal news, last Thursday was the annual Hope of America, and this year P got to be in it! She got to be a red shirt, or a stripe on the flag. Much better than being a yellow perimeter shirt. Although a couple of years ago my mom's class got to wear the yellow shirts and sit on the floor, and that was pretty cool. You know what's even cooler? I'm pretty sure my Hope of America shirt STILL fits. Hooray for being a tiny fifth-grader that grew into a tiny adult! 

I have also decided that I'm going to join this group when I'm old enough (haha, when I'm 55.) Me and N have totally decided that we're joining them, and we're going to freaking rock out. 

As for what's in the very near future? Well, C is taking his last final right now, we get to go pick up his cap and gown this afternoon, Thursday we go to commencement, and Friday I get to see him walk across a stage, accept an empty diploma cover from a random guy he never even met before this day, and he will be a bachelor! A bachelor of stastistics! A married bachelor of statistics with an emphasis in applied statistics! A married bachelor of statistics with an emphasis in applied statistics that's going to grad school in the fall!!! It's all very exciting. For me, at least. I feel like it's much easier to be excited for someone else graduating than it is for yourself. The only thing I really remember about preparing for my graduation was C ironing my graduation gown because I didn't have time and was so stressed out. Aw. He's so cute.

My mom was asking me the other day if I had gotten C a graduation gift, which I totally hadn't thought about because he's just going back to school in the fall and we don't have a ton of random cash lying around. But she told me when my dad graduated, she bought him a .22. A .22!!! My mom just walked into a gun store and bought a rifle. How awesome is that??? Maybe for your next graduation, C ;)

In personal hygiene news, I also cut my hair yesterday, and I can't decide if I like it or not. I told the lady to take four inches off and I feel like she took more like six :S but C says it looks good, so it must not totally suck. Wore it in a ponytail today so no one would notice and comment on it. I hate when people are like "Oh, did you cut your hair?" and you're like "No, I've just been adding random extensions to it EVERY SINGLE DAY before this day and I just didn't feel like putting in the effort today." What the heck. Yes. I cut my hair. If it's obvious, you don't have to ask. Geez. On the bright side, I don't look like Rory freshman year, which is a plus (was I the only one that hated her short hair???) 

So I don't look as bad as Rory, I have more of Paris's hair now. It's not terrible or hideous, just a shock. And I think it's a little longer than Paris's right now. It looks more like Penny's BBT season one cut, minus the bangs: 

Which reminds me, why don't I watch Big Bang Theory anymore? I freaking love that show. Especially the earlier seasons, oh my gosh. More Sheldon! I need more Sheldon! We all need more Sheldon! 

