HC&M: It's Gonna Be Meh


-Me & C got to go to a Cubs game last week! Pro: We saved money by going earlier in the season. Con: It was a little chilly and a lot windy. But it was still fun! I mean, I've been to a BYU game. I've been to an Owlz game. I've been to a Bees game. But a Cubs game? Blows them ALL out of the water as far as legit baseball-ness. Post with lots of pictures coming later this week!
-The big work event/luncheon is OVER!!!!! Of course, that doesn't stop people from complaining about all the things that "weren't right", but whatever. Get a hobby, people. Although the dean of my whole division (my boss's boss) came by and gave me an absolutely gorgeous bouquet of Gerber daisies as a thank-you. I've never seen a bouquet of daisies this perfect. They're beautiful!
-Those baby booties? They actually turned out pretty dang cute. They were the only homemade things at the baby shower I went to. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, but the mom-to-be said they were really cute.
-The power went out for like - four hours one night a week ago. So, instead of crocheting like mad to finish the baby booties, me and C took turns reading Steelheart out loud to each other using our old fish tank light to read from. It was really fun, actually. I mean, it would have been kind of fun no matter what book we were reading, but reading Steelheart all in the dark was awesome. And it was way more intense.
-Speaking of intense, anyone else a "Next Food Network Star" fan on here? Guess what. DOM IS BACK. This is not a drill. (I mean, he's not back on Star yet, but they're doing a pre-Star show that takes like 8 of the ones that got close but never won, and they all food-battle each other. And Dom will win. Obviously.)
-I'm doing a rewatch of the first couple seasons of Castle, and I'm starting to recognize a ton more guest stars on it. In just this season alone we've got Max from Gilmore Girls, Hardison from Leverage, Schmidt from New Girl, and Jerry from Parks & Rec! It is so weird to see Jerry being accused of murder. And Hardison. And *spoiler alert* Schmidt and Max are the murderers! It's so crazy to see people you know in different, weird roles. I love it.
-Watch this video. It'll make you smile! Plus my mom's in it. And since it's apparently "Teacher Appreciation Day" (?), and she's a teacher, so watch and appreciate.

-Want to hear a fun story about work? Okay. One time this person I work for asked me to bring her a piece of paper. I take a piece of paper out of my printer and bring it into her office. She has a printer full of the exact same paper right next to her. I hand the piece of paper to her. She says thanks. Um, what?

-The choir I play the piano for has decided to do "jam sessions" at choir practice while they're in between preparing for performances, which can be kind of fun. They started with people picking their favorite songs for us to sing. But lately, it's turned into "let's start at Hymn #1 and work our way through the book", which has gotten weird. Have you ever sung #12 before? Have you? Have you even heard it before?! How about #16? No? All right. Let's do this thing. Never mind the judgmental ex-choir pianist judging you from the tenor section! *fake smiles*


Bonus Happy: Check out this Suits gif! Turns out Harvey Specter dances just like my dad. Haha!


  1. This entire post is golden. I'm so glad you're done with that luncheon nonsense! And that someone in your office is decent enough to thank you for your effort rather than be a butt and just complain.


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